A man runs to his car. Gets in, drives off. It’s dark, nice and wet. He gets on his cell phone and calls Sam, waking her up. It’s 2am her time. She doesn’t know him, he says he knows her, knows what happened to her. They didn’t shut down the Adrian Conrad project. He wants her to protect him…there’s a crash and the phone goes dead.
Dr Richard Fleming, biologist at Harvard. Immunotech research, wholly owned subsidiary of zetatron. They moved to a small town in Oregon. The Tok’ra are still looking for a suitable host for jack, so he’s with the Tok’ra.
Sam, Jonas and teal’c go to Oregon. Some really, really funny moments. Sam goes to see the sheriff, she sees pics of his smashed car. She asks the sheriff for help. But the air force has no jurisdiction.
Fleming’s co-workers said he was acting strange…they found amphetamines in his car..His lab conveniently caught fire.
They go to his house, it’s been cleaned. But someone delivers a package that Fleming sent to himself. It’s a huge honkin syringe full of yellowish fluid. Conrad’s team were working on a super drug. Sam sends off a sample.
Cut to nighttime, zombie like folks are filing into this warehouse on the waterfront…they say they have three uninvited guests…they’ll probably be no problem but if they are, then they’ll just have to ‘deal with them’.
Sam & co eat brunch. The sheriff wants to see Sam…the fire in Fleming’s lab is arson. They found gasoline. 2 months ago another immunotech researcher disappeared. Immunotech is the sole support for the town. They subpoenaed documents, he gives them to Sam. Peter Stauffer is the one who disappeared. Sam borrows documents. Ordered material on stem cell research. Stem cells can theoretically be used to create human clones.
It’s night. The town gets quiet at night…teal’c and Jonas go to a bar. They order drinks. The locals…don’t take kindly to strangers. They try to start a fight, the sheriff comes in. d’oh the sheriff is in on it.
The sample is a sulpher based antibiotic. A guy from the bar comes in. Jonas apologizes; the guy has no idea what’s going on. They’re being watched. The guy follows them. Teal’c grabs him; he says he used to be a guard at immunotech. He thinks Fleming is murdered. Tells them noone in town can be trusted.
Jonas thinks they have a town of clones. They go to check out the site of the lab. Sam picks another lock. Jonas wants her to teach him. Wormhole theory, motorcycle riding and lock picking…Sam’s skills???
They get into the warehouse; find a lot of cd’s and plans for a ship
Big honkin half built space ship
Night again. Sam calls hammy, tells him about the ship. Sam’s still in her leather pants. The plans are in code. Sam thinks she can break it. Tealc and Jonas are watching the warehouse, Sam is in the hotel room, trying to break the code.
The sheriff goes to sleep, and wakes up like a zomie. It’s in goa’uld. They cloned Conrad’s symbiote. It doesn’t have naquadah so they can’t sense it. Teal’c and Jonas get caught.
The bad guys come after Sam. She gets her gun. She takes the shot.
Teal’c and Jonas were grabbed by the NID. They’ve been letting the baddies build the ship, monitoring it until it’s built so they can take it. They symbiotes are immature. They can’t take control unless the folks are asleep.
The nid’s plan has full support. Meanwhile, the baddies have Sam. They tie her up and give her a snake. Yep, Sam gets snaked again.
The nid lets teal’c and Jonas out, they find that Sam’s gone. Jonas calls her Sam.
They took her, they don’t see the empty syringe. The nid locks down the town. Or calls for it, they get zatted by the bad guys.
Teal’c, Jonas and the nid guy are captured. They mean to send the nid guy back to take over the nid.
The nid comes. Finds a room full of zatted folks. Sam stops the nid guys from escaping. The syringe contains a…immunization against snakes. It kills em. They replicate it and give it to all the towns folks, who have no memory. The ship has been taken to area 51. Next week, abyss.