If you had a "Window of Opportunity"


How it all began ...
Aug 27, 2000
After re-watching some episodes on DVD .. (very cool idea) I got thinking.

In the ep "Window of Opportunity" Jack and Teal'c get to re-live the same day over and over like "Groundhog Day".

If this happened to you guys what would you do and why ?

I'll sleep on my answer and post tomorrow - nighty night.
Well, that's a tough question and it depends on whether you mean "What would you do if you were in the SGC and you had a window of opportunity" or "window of opportunity in real life"?
if i were in the sgc, id jump on jack!

if i wasnt id probably try it on a guy called nick that i know and hes really sweet!
loL .. Hmm, Ok ..

I was kinda meaning in real life but this piccie certainly brightened up my day ...... literally !
Originally posted by spookypumpkin
if i were in the sgc, id jump on jack!
Great minds think alike cos I was gonna say I'd take Jack into the nearest storage room. :D :D ;)
LOL! It's not my piccie. It's Goa'ulds from the gaters Board. He has too much spare time.
I'd lock Jack & Sam in a closet together & then go find Danny for myself! rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
hehe, me too! cept it would be martouf i would find :naughty: i changed from Jack to marty now :D
I'd be playing the Interstellar Open, then coming down with some illness as an excuse for getting an 'examination' from Doc Fraiser.
Originally posted by spookypumpkin
if i were in the sgc, id jump on jack!

if i wasnt id probably try it on a guy called nick that i know and hes really sweet!

wow! i wrote that so long ago, i dont like nick anymore, in fact i cant stand him @ the mo coz he was nasty to me today, i think ill stick to two nameless guys from where i live!!!!
I would do the usual kinda stuff...have a chat with Sam, find Danny and the nearest storage room...that kinda thing!

;) :D

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