Episode II Title.

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Oct 28, 2001
Episode II title

I there I'm new here,

Anyway about the SW Episode II title, we know Lucasfilm have officially announced it: Attack Of The Clones.

Frankly it sounds bad, and Ive read all these forums and a lot of you have said the same thing, Ive also head it from other sources, other forums, my friends. :mad:

So we had a theory... what if this new title is a false one so that they can catch out fake, unofficial merchandise. They've done it before with Return Of The Jedi. I cant remmeber what the original title was, but it was to catch fake merchandise. The real title was released just before the film.

So I'm hoping this is the case. I always assumed it would be Star Wars: Epsiode II The Clone Wars. But when they announced it, I was devastated.

Oh by the way am I aloud to say the cr*p word in here? Only the last forum I joined, I said it and they banned me! Its just a word I use all my life, I can't understand why some softies are offended by it. They need to get out more :p
Your theory about "Revenge of the Jedi" is interesting, I thought that they had just made a mistake, but merchandising being what it is, that is more likely. And I guess everyone was waiting for the title of Episode I, so they decided to just call it "Episode I", because no one would believe that could be it!

Welcome to AScifi. You've done the hardest part, you've made your first post! Sorry, but you aren't allowed to use that word here. It's not that a lot of people would be offended, more that we want this to be a friendly site, open to all, and young kids post here too. You must have been to boards where they do use such language, it doesn't add anything to the argument or discussion, and it tends to put off anyone posting a different viewpoint because they only receive a barrage of insults. That isn't tolerated here.

Please post some more. This Star Wars section ought to be bigger than it is, but few people are aware of it. Tell your friends about it.

I think you're right, Pidman, if only because I'd hate to think that the creators of Star Wars, this big, incredible film series with such an extensive universe and in-depth characters, could be so stupid, and come up with such a lame name. It sounds like one of those old cheesy 50s sci-fi flicks.
sounds like a credible theory to me...I mean that's just a little bit lame...Attack of the Clones? give me a break :rolleyes:
agreed, i am a die-hard star wars fan, i mean heck i am even desginng my own website, but still, it's a s**** name for a movie. Your right "The Clone Wars" would have been alot better than "Attack of the clowns", and yes i did spell it the way i wanted to. the name is really bad, and the trouble is that they can't change it now!
Since the general opinion is this 'Attack of the Clones' title is very poor -- What would you call it?

Give me a suggestion and I can add it to the poll.
I don't like the new movie title either, I like "The Clone Wars" Or we could call it "Send in the Clowns" um, I mean "Clones" :rolly2: Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm looking forward to this next movie. I will watch it when it comes to the theaters.
How could anyone name a movie Attack of the Clones? The Clone Wars would have been much better.
I like "The Clone Wars" the best too. It's simple yet meaningful. It says a lot but is still classy. Plus there's those references to the Clone Wars in IV, both Luke and Leia saying it to Obi Wan, and the continuity would be nice. A little tip of the hat to those of us who've been involved with Star Wars since '77.

Somehow I could take Attack of the Clones if smeg were in there somewhere. :lol: Attack of the Smegging Clones. Smeg...it's the Attack of the Clones.......silly but I can't help myself!!!!:D (Wish George would've though. :rolleyes: )

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