Teenage Mutant Turtles!


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2001
NINJA TURTLES-scifi or not????

Do any of you remember the 4 little turtles?
If so, what did you think of them?


When I was just a ‘we little tacker’ my brother and I used to watch it just as religiously as I watch stargate now :D


(pic from http://www.cinescape.com/0/Television_2.asp)
yeah i remember those little guys--the movie version not the cartoon. i haven't voted yet though cuz i just can't make up my mind. oh what the hell, sure. sci-fi they is.
OHHHHHHHHH. I used to love them! I had all there little reapons, like Raffiel's (Sp) little blade things, and Michelangelo's nunchucks! (Plastic, and fake, of corse!). Heehee. Sci fi, deafinately!
Definetly sci-fi. And I used to watch the cartoon religously when I was younger, I even had a costume of one of them:crazy: .
Turtle Power

"Teeneage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Turtles On A Half Show TUTLE POWER." I can do the entier song from memory, pretty sad but that was the first show that first started it off. If you where born in the 80's this was the SHOW. BUT., no it's not considered scifi for many reasons cause that it's was first a comic book but it was more fantasy. Scifi you generally realte that to aliens and space but I mean are Ninja Turtles Extra Terrestrial I seriously doubt it, come on there Mutants. So guys sorry but in my book they will be in fantasy section and never in the scifi ;).

"There the worlds most fearsome fighting team. WHERE REALLY HIPE. There a hero in a half shell and there green. HEY GET A GRIP. When the evil shredder attacks, these turtle boys don't cut them no slake. Teeneage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Turtles On A Half Show TUTLE POWER!"
I voted no for Sci-Fi as I think they fit the Fantasy category better!
My son used to watch them when he was very young.. But he also liked Jurassic Park so you can tell he likes action pictures!
X-men is considered to sci-fi...right?
They’re mutants, and so are the turtles.
What makes them so different?...except one in an amphibian?
I NOT TRYING TO START AN AGUMENT.... I’m just curios of what you think.

No X-Men are also not known as Scifi and like I said before nither are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I know your not trying to start an agurment, and trust me you are not getting yelled at until someone does this HEY WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU, WHY I...CAPs means you are yelling and so don't worry I don't consider this a agrument. I also understand the question but there just not considered scifi. Cause X-Men just like TMNT's it's comic-fantasy. Cause again you more think of science fiction as off space and aliens and mutant is not really alien.
no sorry i dont think they are sci-fi.....

I watched the films and cartoons with my nephew but they are more fantasy than sci-fi
oh yeah i remember them...

those pizza crazed guys!
voted for sci fi.

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking here that the turtle boys are not scifi
Steeping away from the mutant thing....

Do you consider time travel and alternate reality to be sci-fi???
All sci-fi series I’ve seen has had one or the other at least once.
technically they are science fiction, as they are certainly not science-fact :dead: So i would classify time travel, alt reality, x-men etc as sci-fi as much i would classify buffy or highlander as sci-fi...
ninja turtles are the best and they are sci-fi in my eyes.....
Well I don't consider the turtles nither x-men cause the origanlly came from comics books and they were not meant to be scifi they where considered back then fantasy. Like Buffy I still consider that a kind of a fantasy show cause i don't really ever put it in the scifi section, but that is me.
i think that anything that is possible to the supernatural and scientifically cant be done would be considered scifi..... and i agreee that you dont think buffy is scifi... i consider her fantasy as well
yah you do have a point but i just don't see them in scifi terms. X-Men are mutant like the turtles and just don't consider them scifi....but anyways I have to say this cause I love it but I LOVE your little picture, Talon
*smiles proudly* oh thank you!!!!! red has been my idol since i was 6....i just gotta love her!


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