
You'll have to let us know what you get Sin.

annette :)
hee hee i will i want one of those snitch booklights, but i dont think dmalfoy knew that, so...
sorta...hp merchandising, but someone said they were getting me a hp related xmas pressie and i was saying what id really really like :D
I would love all the models and figures for HP BUT 1) haven't got the room and 2) haven't got the cash. :(

annette :)
awwww...:( i dont particularly like the models. I saw a stuffed fluffy today. And it was cute! i mean...cute???? no way! that's jst wrong!
Hehe!!!!!!!! Norbert looks quite good. Would love a fluffy Hedwig. He looks such a sweetie. :D

annette :)
Yeah! me and skip saw some hedwigs, and then there were stuffed harries as well, but they just looked ridiculous!
I saw a stuffed crookshanks and a stuffed Pig in France and THEY were cute!
I think it was anyway. It was gingery-orange and it had a squashed face and a HP tag on its ears.

My mate bought me a HP pencilcase for xmas with a Quidditch logo on and a thunderbolt zip pull! I love it!
yep were I worked there were stuffed Harry's Hermine's and Hagrids.
There were moving Norberts and there were spell books
and casting stones
potions sets
trivia quizes
quidditch card games
computer games
personal organisers
broom stick comp games
troll comp games
spell sacks.
Umm not sure if I left anything out.:smokin: