Favorite and least favorite aliens...


gimboid goddess!
Jun 23, 2001
Someone asked this over in the Red Dwarf forum and I thought it would be a great one to ask here, too.

So.....Who are your favorite and least favorite aliens in the Delta Quadrant?

I'm going to have to think about this one for awhile, myself!

Least favorite. After Ferengi, who were there once, I'd have to say the Ocampa were the worse.

Don't get me wrong, I adored Kes. But the way the race was designed rather sucked and didn't make a great deal of sense.
FAV : the borg

HAted : Occampa
I'm still kind of thinking about this one.

I actually liked the Ocampa, or at least the idea of them. They seemed to have a lot of potential, and if they had ever found and manifested that potential I think they would have been awesome.

I liked Species 8472, too. And the gigantic mutant viruses. I thought those were so cool!

I felt love/hate with the Borg. The Borg Queen was awesome, though. And I liked the "post"Borgs that Chakotay was joined with, that was a good episode.

I didn't like the Hirogen. There were lots of alien species that just seemed sort of annoying. The "enemy, or foil, of the week" ones. Not well developed or very interesting.

I found the Kazon supremely annoying, but admit they made pretty good "enemies" for Voyager. And there were some really good episodes with them. (And some stupid ones, too.)

mmmm looks like you have thought alot already
My favourite were the Vidiians. I liked how they only stole organs and took slaves to survive. And the Vidiian who removed the starfleet guys face and attached it to his own was really creepy.

And my least favourite were the Malon, they just didn't seem interesting.
the Kazon were Klingon clones with dodgy hairdos... they were around for a whole season if not more, no other aliens were in such regular contact wit hvoyager for such a long time...

it seemed one day the writers said "oh hang on, shouldnt we be out of Kazon space by now" and they were gone.

thank god :evil:
Neo:lol::lol: Yeah, guess I have.:D

I liked the Vidiians too. At least the one the doc fell in love with. Another really good eppy!

Nothing wrong with thinking,,,, wish i could do it more
We never really got to see more about Species 8472..

Would like to see more and delve a bit deeper
Species 8472- A non-human shaped alien! woo-hoo! 8472 were cool. Probably my favourite race in the Delta Quadrant.

Borg- In my opinion, the Borg image was destroyed by the Voyager series. It was far better when we knew little about them, and the Federation had only a few like, kamakazi methods of dealing with them. Voy and First Contact revealed everything we need to know about the Borg, how to beat them, and they're just not menacing anymore.

Ocampa- Didn't like 'em, sorry. Never really delved into the Ocampa, anyway.

Kazon- they were interesting for a while, and required, really, 'cause Voyager needed a main foe. After the Kazon left, it was nothing for a while and Voyager was drifting a bit. Then their main foe was the Borg.
species 8472 ... we wanna see more.. ok i do
yeah i liked the borg and i hated the kazon

i think we should have seen more of species 8472
Special Uk Sky borg evening this monday

the ferengi are REALLY annoying, the vidiians are just meanies, species 5472 are aslo meanies, them little spiritual things were the nicest coz they just wanna survive!lol

id say the vidiians were the worst.

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