Fox Mulder- i think i figured it out!


krycek's love slave
Dec 4, 2000
i think i figured it out!

i think i finally figured out something that's been bothering me for a while. as i'm sure all of you have, i always noticed how mulder seems to take every oppourtunity to embarrass scully. he seems to enjoy it. but when i paid more attention i realized that it's almost his way of protecting himself. by constantly embarrassing her he's giving her more reasons to leave. if she leaves because she wants more from her career, than he wouldn't feel like he's holding her back. he wouldn't feel guilty about the things she's been through. of course after a while i think it just became habbit...

then again, maybe he just likes being a pain.

yeh i agree actually. i think its his way of protecting himself.........................i do psychology!!! i knkow these things!lol
I think that might have been how it started and then I think it became more of a safe way for him to show his love for her. A lot of people tease like that to show someone they care.
see :rolly2: there you have it. Mulder is simply showing Scully that he cares about her because he doesn't really know any other way to go about it. I always thought it was rather sweet myself.
Totally sweet :)

At the beginning it was his defense mechanism (or one of his defence mechanisms) so that she didnt get too close to him, that they kept themselves distanced from each other emotionally, but after awhile that all became moot cos she showed him time and time again that she could be trusted.

Later on of course, his teasing her became a sort of endearment, a way for them to connect on a more personal level. Its so damn sweet :blush:


Mulder to Scully - "You're my one in five billion."
kind of like his other defense mechanism, well on of his other ones... like in the begining he never hit on her at all never tried anything, and i think that was cause he was kind of afraid to. but towards the end i think it was because he respected her too much and valued what they had. he would NEVER do anything to jeopordize that, it would have to be her move first, which in the end it was.
Yeah, awww, he's all too sweet for words :D thats not to say they didnt flirt tho lol, cos they so did, a lot, ahh, the good old days

*goes into a memory daze*
Ahh, thanks God for re-runs :D and expensive DVD's and video's we have to buy when we get frustrated cos they dont play our fav eps :)

*points the way towards the episode section* please feel free to go into a memory daze about your favorite old eps over there :D

He was a total sweetie and when he hit on Scully it was in a subtle way and made use of his teasing...I mean honestly...I always thought that was how he hit on her.
Yeah yeah, Teasing - UST (Unresolved Sexual Tension for all you non-fic addicts) = major flirtage

I didnt know what the word innuendo was until Mulder and the X-Files :);):D

Personally I think your all wrong. Mulder's teasing was not a self defence mechanism he was testing Scully. He had to make sure she would open her mind to 'Extreme Possibilities'. He needed to make sure he could trust her. Oh and yeah of course he was flirting who wouldn't. Hehe.:D
Re: Wrong

Originally posted by FOX_UK
Personally I think your all wrong. Mulder's teasing was not a self defence mechanism he was testing Scully. He had to make sure she would open her mind to 'Extreme Possibilities'. He needed to make sure he could trust her.
Well i think thats wrong, if you'll remember back to the movie (the hallway scene) -

Scully - Why did they assign me to you in the first place, Mulder? To debunk your work, to rein you in, to shut you down …

Mulder - But you saved me! As difficult and as frustrating as it's been sometimes, your goddamned strict rationalism and science have saved me a thousand times over! You've kept me honest ... you've made me a whole person. I owe you everything ... Scully, and you owe me nothing.

At this point in the show, he can trust, her opens his heart to her in this scene, but yet the teasing goes on afterward, in S6/7/8/9 he wasn't testing Scully to see if she was open to extreme possibilities, he didn't need to, he obviously realized, judging from this scene, that her strict rationalism and science combined with his more out there approach was what was needed to get the job done, the combination worked to their advantage.

The teasing wasn't a test of her loyalty, or trust, it was his self-defence mechanism because he didn't know how to deal with Scully. She got to his heart more than any woman in his life :) he didn't know how to deal with that so he used his sarcasm, wit and the flirting to shield his own heart and emotions away from the one woman he knew could hurt him if she rejected him in some way/didnt return his feelings. Of course it was his defence mechanism :)

plus it's like one of those things where you start doing it for one reason, and as more and more time goes on it gets harder and harder to stop
I believe that Mulder teases Scully because yes, he likes her. It does put them on a more personal level but after being together for so long as partners you'd think that the teasing was ok ya know? It's just his way of being funny. I think it's pretty damn sweet and I love it when Mulder teases her and cracks little jokes, espcially in the episode when they go undercover as a married couple! LOL The way he was like: Lets get in on now and when he's lying in bed and he pats the spot next to him. Its sooo cute. I think he just does it all in fun, but good theories everyone! It was very interesting reading them all. ^.^
well, plus it kept the sexual tension thing going for years and years. i mean, once you build something like that up for that long, you can't just have your characters get together in one big bang, cause where do you go from there? (take moonlighting for example)
LOL!! I loved the...."Can't get your characters together in one big bang!" That just put a rather......graphic visual in mah head. Throw Mulder and SCully together in a bed and........NEVERMIND!!

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