Chloë Annett Wallpaper

UsHi Owner
Sep 21, 2000
I just made a Chloë Annett Wallpaper..

1280*469 or something.. like a wide screen wallpaper! it's great!

Look at it here...

Just center the picture and use a light blue color for background..

Tell me what you think
......right.....u have Chloe Annette wallpaper on a Farscape website? ;) ;) ;) ;)

but cool paper ushi. i likes...:D

Yeah. is my website. so that's why it's on a Farscape site.. :)

and bu the way. Skip. Happy birthday. a day to late perhaps..? :)
ya thanks ushi... i decided i queen of something so i get 2 birthdays at least LOL.....:D
happy 2nd birthday skip.......i mean your second how ever old u r birthday, not your 2 year old birthday.....i'll be quiet now.:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
thank you..

If you like Farscape and want to write something plz do.. :)
when? after college, fan fic (writing TWO FRWAKING NOVELS) modding here and CHIT CHAT... and watching Sg-1 eating sleeping and working... you want me to write in that 2 second interval when i wake up and don't know who i am?:lol:

During that time you will produce the best articles ever! :)
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