5.05: Red Sky

:) Hi shu_hunter........ Thank you very much for posting.

An interesting theory, but I think that since this is about a Season 5 episode it probably needs to be in the Season 5 section and not in General Discussions. Perhaps the Moderator of General Discussions might like to move it, since I am not able to do that myself!!!

Many people are still only watching prior Seasons and may not wish to be spoiled with regard to future episodes, so we generally also tend to put spoiler warnings in if we are going to discuss an episode, which then gives those folk who don't want to be spoiled the opportunity to avoid the thread or the posting.

Please do continue to post any interesting theories but in future put some warnings in!!!


Season Five Moderator

:cool: ;)
I believe Sam mentions something like that at the end of the ep, doesn't she? She said something like it wasn't them (Tau'ri:smile: ) at least they didn't do it alone...can't remember, tired and hungry!:p
Re: Red Sky

Originally posted by shu_hunter
Y'know what i think? i think the Asgard knew that sg-1 had tried to restablize the sun, but it didn't work, so they USED it as an excuse to fix the sun in case they were attacked by the goa'uld-Asgard treaty. they could just say, "we didnt do it, earth did."

i agree, that's what i thought...

oohh, what a scary thought, you are not alone!!!
I'm merging this small thread about Red Sky with the main thread!

this was a kewl ep!!!!

i loved all the;
"Oh i thought i was having a stroke" stuff from jack!!!:rolly2:
Originally posted by Anni
I'm probably going to get my head in my hands here, but I've found that a lot of people find something to love in the episodes just because SG1 are in them. I'm not generalising or pointing fingers, but when people really adore a show as many of the Stargate fans do, they will forgive almost anything and if something IS missing, they will replace it themselves by writing a fanfic around the 'missing scene' or 'scene that they believe would have worked better' or even some perceived piece of interaction between their much loved characters.

Anni has hit on something here that has always been a quirk of fandom -- the need to fill in for the writers' oversights and mistakes. In the end all that really exists in any show is what was written and what was produced. What we see on the screen is what happened and what we did not see did not happen -- or as theatre folks put it, "if it ain't on the page, it ain't on the stage."

I've learned to enjoy watching a show without over-analyzing and when a plot falls a little flat I chant the mantra "Entertainment Value." Of course, there are some episodes that no mantra can save (the "salamander" story in Star Trek Voyager comes to mind) and then I just don't watch the rerun.

As for "Red Sky" I managed to see it and "Fifth Man" while in Ontario last week. They are the only two eps of S5 I've seen since our local networks went from S4 to S6. I enjoyed both shows, but will reserve judgment until I can see the entire 5th season in order and context.
hmm, it's strange when I never got to posting in season 5 seings I watched it so long ago...anyhoo, though I usually love Stargate for the sake of stargate, I generally agree with Anni on all her points in relation to all of S5. Let's see, off all the episodes in S5 I didn't rank this one very high. Oh I liked the Jack one liners & losing temper & all that. I'm jsut tired of Super Sam. We can't even fix our own problems on Earth, what like a gaping hole in our Ozone Layer...& yet good old Sammy by her self can figure out a way within a few what hours days? how to solve this one. I generally agree that SG1 should, well not have left but screwed up & have the whole planet die, shocking the good old SGC into realization of their ignorance? what's the word I'm looking for? Anyhoo, I wanted to see them screw up a bit. Oh & isn't it only Sam's job to assess the risks of the world/lock what have you & it's not up to her if they visit a world or not? & I think the Asgards name was Frair not Fraya
Personally i loved this ep! Especially Jack - "little grey butts", "i thought i was having a stroke", and his smug little smile when Sam told him he got something right. :wink2: