Fave Quotes

Kryten: But sir, there is no such thing as brown alert.
Cat: You won't be saying that in a minute! And don't say I didn't alert you!

Rimmer to dispensing machine: Why don't you smegging well smeg off, you annoying little smeggy smegging smegger!

Cat: we have 30 seconds to live....oh wait, thats the egg timer. would people stop leaving that in here?

Lister: nice chicken
Cat: yeah, real good, *to krytie* where'd u find it?
Krytie: oh thats not chicken sirs, thats that man we found

that was so funny!:D
*scrabble playing*
lister: that's not a word!
cat: its a cat word
lister: would you find it in a dictionary?
cat: well if you were reading in the nude and shoot the book real fast.....
Originally posted by Skip
*scrabble playing*
lister: that's not a word!
cat: its a cat word
lister: would you find it in a dictionary?
cat: well if you were reading in the nude and shoot the book real fast.....

i would actually write down the word, but i have absolutley NO idea how to spell it...........:D
oh ok then. due to this slight imperfection in my r-d memory i will have to sit down and watch every single r-d ep i own:D

yiiiiiippppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! quotessssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
It is season 3, and when Lister and Rimmer change bodies. I think its BodySwap. Cat has Q,X,Z,J, etc. That's a funny scene! They really know how to make you laugh!

Now for a few gross quotes:
Cat: It looks like something that dropped out of the Sphinx's nose!

Rimmer to Lister: You dropped a whole tube of it over me you disgusting rotten fetid piece of congealed monkey vomit!

How do they ever say these lines?:lol: And make you laugh at what really grosses you out?

Looking forward to some good quotes from Jessa now.....;)

Jessa! We need Quotes!

Even I have one....

Holly: Rude alert! Rude alert! An electrical fire has knocked out my voice recognition unicycle! Many Wurlitzers are missing from my database! Abandon shop! This is not a daffodil. Repeat: This is not a daffodil!
Rimmer: Well, thankfully Holly's unaffected.
*alarms are sounding, then they stop suddenly*

Holly: oh blast! now the bloody alarms bust! awooga awooga! abandon ship!

Holly: well, i say autopilot, but it's really me, ain't it. it's old muggins here that has to do it

there! happy now?:D :D
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