Highlander TV Series: Villian


First Prime of ASciFi
Jul 21, 2000
So of those that have watched the series, which of the Immortals that Duncan has had to do battle with do you see as the most formidable?

I don't remember his name, but it was one that was at the end of the series. He was in all the important
ones, and I think he have to do something with the final chapter but I'm not sure. I will have to see it
again to check what his name is and tell you. :( He was very :evil: and gives a lot of trouble to Duncan
before he kill him.
Out of the ones that I remember it would have to be the one that Duncan killed when he turned evil. I can't remember his name because it's been so long since I've seen that story arc.

It appears we remember more the good guys name than the bad guys names. :)
I thought Xavier was a good bad guy if you get my drift :D
He didnt play by the rules and had McLeod shot my mortals then try to kill him... nice!
Originally posted by MythingLink
Out of the ones that I remember it would have to be the one that Duncan killed when he turned evil. I can't remember his name because it's been so long since I've seen that story arc.


this was Kol'Tec - one of Duncan's friends who killed an 'evil' immie -thus obtaining the dark quickening - and x-ferring it to Duncan when duncan killed him ---

Highlander II
What's wronmg with you people? How can you be forgetting Mallous. (SP?) It took Duncan 5 episodes to beat. In that time he killed his best friend, framed his girlfriend, and held the Watchers and Immortals under his thumb. That makes him the major baddie in my book. Plus the Effiel Tower fight was one of the best things I saw ever. Sci Fi Magazine included it as one of the top 50 Sci Fi moments ever.

Originally posted by ZachWZ
What's wronmg with you people? How can you be forgetting Mallous. (SP?) It took Duncan 5 episodes to beat. In that time he killed his best friend, framed his girlfriend, and held the Watchers and Immortals under his thumb. That makes him the major baddie in my book. Plus the Effiel Tower fight was one of the best things I saw ever. Sci Fi Magazine included it as one of the top 50 Sci Fi moments ever.


ahhh - you're talkin' 'bout Kalas -- yes, he was pretty bad -- he was in a few eps -- tho Duncan only fought him in a couple -- and this guy - he killed Fitz -- man, that wasn't very nice --- Fitz was a nice guy ----- (but, Roger Daltrey got the most return appearances for a dead guy, ya know?)

however -- my fave baddie -- Bad Methos! -- you know - -Death - of the Four Horsemen -- (and if you haven't seen season 5 yet - man, go and get it! beg, plead, cheat, lie, steal, whatever you have to do -- just see it!!!!!) [you can skip season 6 - there's only one good ep in it anyway - and NO - it's not the last one - ugh - ]

Originally posted by markpud
not seen S5, dunno when/if it will ever be on over here :( :(

i had heard somewhere that they're supposed to put Highlander on DVD -- so - wait? i dunno -- or bug Rysher --

Originally posted by markpud
i do so hope it comes on DVD, i'll buy the lot :D

i would but - no DVD player and no money - probably still won't have either when the series finally does come out on DVD --

pretty sad, huh?

the series is supposed to come out on DVD next year tho -
that's what the email that i got said, anyway --
brill :smile: wonder if it will be lots of individual disks or a set for each season?? I hope it's season boxes, they look a lot nicer on the shelf :smile:
dunno - i would guess there will be like 5 discs per season - kinda like SG-1 --- don't know if they'll do boxes like the VHS --

okay -- back to Villains ---

who's your fave HL villain???

i'm kinda partial to evil Horseman Methos, but Kronos is probably my fave ---- he's so evil!!!
I think Kronos is my fave villian. I think it's mostly because he was into the whole take over the world thing and he was just so nasty. He would do whatever it took to get what he wanted. Also the fact that he was cute didn't hurt any :)
love kronos --

Kalas was okay - but a little -- i dunno ------ off? i don't know --

evil Horseman Methos is pretty cool too!!!
Your right about Kalas...something just didn't seem quite right *shrugs* I can't say what it was exactly though.

And Death was also a great villian. However, since he's Methos's alternate personality I don't always look at him that way :)

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