4.07: Second Wave


Former Ascifi.com mod
Dec 28, 2000
Manchester, UK
This episode has aired this week in the UK. Due to Sky One's messing around with the schedule I missed half of it :(

Anyone who saw it please help me out --> why did the Jaridians decide to attack Earth? I thought they were supposed to be the "good guys" compared to the Taelons...
Yeah, I saw it. It's the second ep I eva seen, so bear with me!

The Jaridians knew that the Taelons were coming to Earth (to stay), and they sent a message to Earth, to tell them that if they helped or let the Taelons stay, then Earth would also become an enemy of the Taelons. It was actually, a kinda worning about the Taelons -went something like "They might appear to be friendly and advanced, but ..."

Howeva, the Taelons intercpeted that message, and didn't let Earth get it, so Earth didn't have a clu. One of the Taelons (the female?!) gave it to the main character guy (don't know his name - sorry!), in secret, and sent a secret message to the Jaridians, telling them that Earth had never got the message.

The Taelon gave the Jaridian message/warning (it was in one of those flippy open screens things that everyone has) to the main-character-guy, and if he could just get it to the Jaridians, then somehow that would prove that they had neva got the message, and shouldn;t b annilihated... :confused:

Have you seen the rest?

They transported peopl down from the Taelon motjership, b4 it left Earth, but they were actually Jaridian spies or something.

They were all holographed to look like missing peopl, and one of them seemed to have a history with the main-character-guy.

Does that help? I know it's a little fuzzy..

btw, what was that ... lil thing... that was shown floating for Earth @ the end?
dunno about your smilies... but thanks for that. :)

I'd imagine the alien you mean is Da'an, and the "main character guy" is Liam Linkade :D

Nope my smilies aint working either :(
oh and the lil thing floating to Earth was the hologram generator that was projecting the Jaridian fleet, I think...
Yeah, thanx 4 the names!

But wouldn't the Jaridian projector have automatically destroyed itself, or something? Instead of falling into Taelon hands? Or would it burn up in the atmosphere?!

:alienooh: After i watched this ep.
Something about the end hit me wrong. Zo'or was telling his press corp to make a possitive spin by saying how a Companion protector stopped them. why didn't the Taelon's say the leaving earth was a ruse to get the jarridians to play their hand. Liam in orser to keep up appearances would go with it. That would be a better spin.

My loyailties are mixed. So far the Taelon's haven't done anything that many humans wouln't do if given the chance. years of history study and reading the newspaper have made me wearly of TPTB.:angryfire And their are about 20,000 people in government who do nothing but give misinformation.

True the giving of misinformation is a common practice by goverments and other organizations. Any study of history will show you that. (kind of makes you wonder about the info that is released by governments today):alienooh:

I guess it comes down to motives, why are the Taelons doing what they are doing? They don't really seem to care for humans, except maybe Da'an (jury still is out on that one).

Also it is one thing to have one of your own twist something or interfere but to have an outsider interfere with what you are doing or your developement is totally different.

Kind of like some families that fight constantly but if an outsider trys to pick on one of them they all stand together. The humans are the family and the Taelons are the outsiders.
:) :) :)
G'points, I agree with evything you said!

I like your avatar - is that Frasier form SG?
What others are you into then?
Is it me, or is this page very... green?
Just noticed the green color this morning.

Let's see I loved Babylon 5 when it was on. Still catching the rerun on the Scifi channel.

Besides EFC I watch Stargate, Farscape, Andromeda, Voyager, Invisible Man and Xena. Those are the main ones that I watch anyway.

Also watch X-Files and have been watching Lone Gunmen as well.
Originally posted by Mellian
Invisible Man and Xena.

Also watch X-Files and have been watching Lone Gunmen as well.
Do you eva watch Buffy or Angel? I'd would've thought you'd enjoy them as well...
Whats the series of Invisible man about?
I watched a couple of episodes of Buffy. However the channel that was showing it no longer carries it. Never had a chance to see Angel.

Also watched a few episodes of Charmed before it was dropped by the one channel. However I just noticed yesterday that after not having Charmed for over a year this station is once again showing an episode of it tomorrow. Don't know how regular it is going to be etc.
Growing up we could only get 2 channels. Then just about 4 or 5 years ago we got a Direct Tv satellite Dish. Direct TV doesn't carry WB which is the network which has Buffy and Angel.
Ooohh. I thought Americans had like millions of TV channels...

Anyway, gotta go, I have a killing headache, I'm so irritable, I'm just gonna go to bed.

Goin to Spain 2morro, an an exchange, I'l see ya bout the 11th.
