Proper usage of Elvish, Elven, Elvin...


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
What are the differences between these three words? I've seen them used in situations wehre I don't think they should be used, but do they mean the same thing?

Elvish - primarily used for talking about Elvish language
Elven/Elvin - everything else besides language...:p
Here is what I know offhand without looking anything up:

Elfin is a term used to denote a small, probably cute person.

Elven is a term meaning all things to do with elves which was first used to my knowledge by Tolkien.

Elvish usually does refer to the language.

I don't believe I have seen the spelling Elvin used commonly.

I am not really an expert in the subject though, but I hope this makes some sense!
SDNess said:
What are the differences between these three words? I've seen them used in situations wehre I don't think they should be used, but do they mean the same thing?

Elvish - primarily used for talking about Elvish language
Elven/Elvin - everything else besides language...:p
could elvin be a deliberate mispelling of elven? like musak, faerie (old spelling), toni etc.

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