Nukes n stuff


Former mod
Dec 28, 2000
Manchester, UK
This is stretching my memory as I haven't seen the film for a while (shame on me!) but is there a scene where Ra intends to send back O'Neills nuke to Earth, and when this combines with the Naquita (i cant spell that stuff) it would magnify the force of the nuke and wipe out earth.

Is this an accurate memory?

If it is then the nuke in the SG1 auto destruct at the SGC would be a kinda bad idea.... boom bye bye earth...
yeah i am not sure how it works.. i don't think that if a bomb went of by the gate that would necesarily cause the chain reaction would it? the gate on Thor's ship exploded pretty well when the ship crashed but well.. no naquada raction? perhaps it needs to be activated in a way to be in its reactive state.. or is it only nuclear explosins that make naquada so powerful? (i don't think so so...)

also.. i seriously doubt it is a nuke that runs the self-desturct mechanism, that would cause a lot of damage as it is and probably uncessary.
Hmm OK. Like I said I havent seen the film for a while (gotta fix my DVD drive :mad: ). So the SGC destruct is just a whole lotta C4 or something to bury the place in the mountain then?
i would think so, i doubt they would use a nuke for something like that.
I'm sure I remember Gen. Hammond (of Texas) saying that the base auto-destruct mechanism WAS a nuke, in the first episode (Children of the Gods?).

I always thought that it would make a bit of a mess, but I suppose that a bit of a mess is vastly preferable to a hoard of mildly annoyed Jaffa surging into Colorado. Or maybe not, I mean it's only the USA, after all; we all know that the UK is the real base of world power :D

Kernal K
UK = base of power? Of course! Wht else would we have the best secret service, Mr Bond?

But my qn was if is is a nuke, will it react with the Naquita in the gate and toast the whole planet? Anyone seen the film recently to confirm this??
yeah i think we should have james bond make a guest appearance on stargate.. now that would be funny :) James & Sam, James & Janet ... lol :)

nuke really... i guess under a mountain might make it better but still a big mess... still the rate they pollute you probably wouldn't notice a week later.

Ra was going to send the nuke back with a shipment of weapons grade naquada.

The gate might not be made of weapons grade naquadah, if this is the case then a nuclear explosion next to the gate wouldn't be much more powerful than normal. (ie the fact that gate is made of naquadah would have little effect on the explosive power of the nuke)

[Edited by muzungu on 02-07-2001 at 06:10 PM]

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