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Hey guys I'm back :D:D Went on a little holiday I did, and what do you know, as soon as I leave great things start to happen. ie now a moderator :D:D (Gotta be happy about that :D)

Well, what can I say. Although Horris and Morris weren't with me for very long, I feel a certain responsibility for their deaths. They'll be glad to know that they died for a good and just cause though.

As I said, I'm not too sure about the validity of my earlier post, but it has been going around a lot of farscape lists and posted by reputable peoples. Lets just all keep our fingers crossed okay :D Besides that can just not be allowed to happen. (sorry for the vagueness but I couldn't be bothered putting spoiler space :D)

Well TTFN (ta ta for now)

Welcome back lonely Moderator Fahrbot,

This is the thrid time I have posted this! The computer keeps erasing me!

Now that you are a moderator you can start to bug padders to give the moderators aliens. Maybe you can name your first two new ones Horris jr. and Morris jr. Until then we will miss them!





Hope you are correct in your rumors. Just saw part one of the Season Finale and loved it! She can't die now she and John have sorted of adimtted what they feel. I kept laughing about Rigel in the containers and Zhaan and the gas knocking him out. Loved it when John pulled the gun on Stark! and his comment about the Guilt trip Stark was trying to lay on him. I HATE SCORPIUS! He is a great villian. I can't wait for the next parts!!






I hope you mini vacation was good! See you around, I hope!

THE ENTIRE EPPY ROCKED. I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!! HEH HEH HEH. I love Scorpy in this eppy..(Scary but true, he is the best VILLIN). John Just rox's Stark is weird and Chiana is such a cutie. OH MAN OH MAN

Hello again..
So reading this thread.. I think that Aeryn isn't really dead.. (Please...) and does anyone know when the next series is due to air (if it has been filmed and all !!).
I really didn't like that blue girlie that liked scorpy (ooh she gives me the creeps - I'm a bit arachniphobic...her head eughhh!!!)

Take Care All

For some reason everyone seems to think that I'm a bloke.

However, it has come to my attention, some time in the last 17 and a half years, that I'm actually female

HeHe :D

Why did everyone htink I was a guy anyway??

If you dojn't mind me asking :)
Perhaps the word "General" confused everyone! I like to think of everyone as gender neutral until I know better! But English does not operat that way, does it!
I saw that Claudia is going to visit a con in Oz.. :)

why should she go there if her Char is dead? :)

who knows?
I heard

I'm really begging to think she is not going to be dead, just one of those many twists. I can't rememeber what season but remember supposly Fox Mulder (X-Files) died. Everybody was like OH KNOW. Well I think there just throwing in one of those twists, kept yah guessing. One of the good things about Scifi, never the same old thing. Also karlsweb, the writers our saying something about another pilot..hmmmm what could this mean, mesa wonders. Also about this whole thing Farbot being a gurl....hey I just want to say I don't assume nothing cause that could end up being bad if u say HIM OR SHE!!!! So that is why u saw me always saying there names and not referring them to he/she. and don't worry I have had it happen with a different name I used, thought I was a guy...happens..lol

As I said in another thread, if necessary, count me in on the frelling BOYCOTT.
Oh, and Scorpy's new gal pal, Natira, is also making an appearance in the Star Wars Prequel, Part II (but not in blue).
Well that's true about her turning up to a con, there would be no point if her character died (unless of course its all a big ruse and she's actually only going because its gonna make everyone think shes not dead. but now I think I'm just getting to far into the conspiracy theories :D so I'm just gonna stop now)


I can't remember what else I was going to say. Frell...
Black has also been filming a supporting role in one of Anne Rice's books being made into a film (Queen of Darkness?) as Pandora (see post under Aeryn Sun section).

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