Sci Fi Trivia!


Fierce Vowelless One
Apr 25, 2003
Help! I'm stuck in the forums!
I'll ask a question and the person who gets it correct will then have to ask another question and so on...

Question #1: What is the name of the small furry pests that kept multiplying on the original Star Trek series?

(I wanted to start with an easy one to get things going - so no complaints!)
A: Tribbles.

Question #2: In "Lost In Space", what is the name Penny gives her space-monkey pet?

3. In Star Wars, what planet is blown up by Darth Vader in Episode IV?

4. Who or what is Algernon in the novel 'Flowers For Agernon'
Wasn't Algernon a lab rat?

Q. (in case I was correct; it's been a long time since I've read the story or seen the film)
Why was the character "Checkov" in the original "Star Trek" series introduced?
Algernon was a lab rat/mouse, indeed.

I guess Chekhov was introduced into the series to depict a future where the human race was more at peace with itself and the Cold War was over?

In case I'm right, hmmm....OK, here's a Doctor Who question: Which of the good Doctor's many companions was also a Time Lord? Give her full name for extra admiration and kudos. :D

Question #2: In "Lost In Space", what is the name Penny gives her space-monkey pet?

CORRECT ANSWER: Debbie. (But Will calls it her "Bloop" or "Gloop" or something coz of the stupid sound it makes! Ha ha...)

Anyhow, never mind, back to the SHOW!....
In case I'm right, hmmm....OK, here's a Doctor Who question: Which of the good Doctor's many companions was also a Time Lord? Give her full name for extra admiration and kudos
That would be Romana. Unfortunately that's all I know so no gold star for me :(

What book does Montag decide to become in Farenheit 451?
Can't remember the answer to your "Farenheit 451" question "Foxbat".

However, to give the "DOCTOR'S" Time Lady Companion, her full title - is ROMANADVORTRELUNDAR - So, I guess I win a prise??? :D
knivesout said:
Algernon was a lab rat/mouse, indeed.

I guess Chekhov was introduced into the series to depict a future where the human race was more at peace with itself and the Cold War was over?

In case I'm right, hmmm....OK, here's a Doctor Who question: Which of the good Doctor's many companions was also a Time Lord? Give her full name for extra admiration and kudos. :D
Actually, knivesout, Chekhov (yeah, I know I misspelled it before) was introduced mostly to bring in younger, more female viewers. At the time, "The Monkees" was really getting popular, and the producers of "Star Trek", in all of their wisdom :)p) decided that they needed a younger, better-looking character - preferably with long hair and an accent - to get the little girls to watch. I think the settled on having him be Russian so that they could do that and show that they were post-Cold War as well. But from everything I've ever read, it was mostly the get the young-female demographic motivation which was the biggest consideration.

And, sorry, I don't know the answer to your Doctor Who question. My friend who adores Doctor Who would know, I imagine.
What book does Montag decide to become in Farenheit 451?
A) Poe's "Tales of Mystery & Imagination".

OK you monkeys...In Earth vs The Flying Saucers, what planet have the flying saucers come from?? :confused:
No takers?

ANSWER: Dunno. It was never mentioned! :p (Sorry, it was a trick question!)

Here's a simpler one:

Q: What kills Godzilla in the original 1954 movie?
You are all so smart, I don't think I can stump ya!

Okay, since I am a writer...

Why did Mary Shelly write Frankenstein? (This may fall into horror category)
It was part of challenge to write a frightening story, wasn't it? I can't remember the others who were involved, but it was a little friendly contest to pass the time, as I recall.

I'll wait until we learn if I'm correct before I post another question.

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