Fav Character (David Eddings)

I think that Geran might be a sorceror, although I'm not sure about his daughters, given their Dryad heritage. That would certainly be an interesting chapter in Garion's life if they were.
o comeon Belgarath was an amazing character i mean whats cooler then the most powerful man in the world o btw do you think that Garions kids will be sorcerors too? or just regular ppls?

Yes indeed Belgarath was an amazing character, but Belgarion was far and away more powerful than him... even without the Orb.

As to the kids, its hard to say... its likely... though not entirely certain. Geran's destiny remains to be seen... would he be simply the heir for eternity - with Belgarion's immortality keeping him enthroned so long as he wished? or would belgarion abdicate at some point and Geran become king?

If the latter i suspect that Geran would NOT be a sorceror. And from him would descend a line of kings as were descended from Riva.

If the former, its likely he would have to be a sorceror of more or less talent just to live long enough.

His sisters are dryads though. They're lifespans will be a good couple of thousand years i'd imagine. Their power is somewhat more shamanistic and tied to their nature bonds.
even if Belgarion was more powerful then Belgarath he neer displayed the power in public like Belgarath did so many times so technically yes Belgarion is more powerful but he isnt percieved to be. and the kids why would they need to b sorcerors? after all the whole "prophecy" thing is over with right? or is it? :eek:
I'm sure i wrote it somewhere (though i can't seem to find it) that Silk is the best character. A Spy, A Thief and A Comedian.. And he is called Silk AND Prince Kheldar - TWO Great Names.

Also.. You must admit Beldin is a very nice character too.
even if Belgarion was more powerful then Belgarath he neer displayed the power in public like Belgarath did so many times so technically yes Belgarion is more powerful but he isnt percieved to be. and the kids why would they need to b sorcerors? after all the whole "prophecy" thing is over with right? or is it? :eek:

i disagree. there are several major intances of Belgarion being ostentatious with his powers. The lightning (recall, weather is the most powerful force that a sorceror can play with) to stop mandorallen's war, granting life to the colt a here-to-fore unheard of and thought to be impossible feat... creating the Sovereign Specific - the most powerful healing agent in their world (Adara's Rose), oh and lest we forget, he did kill Torak.
I can think of only one case where Belgarath showed any real power... granting the fenlings the ability to speak.
Oh and was it Belgarath or Belgarion who created the enormous illusion to terrify the karands? - i think it was Belgarath, and earlier to frighten the morindim when he was stealing the orb with Cherek and his sons?
I love silk, he is just so sneaky you can't but love him, which is also possibly why I love Talen...what can I say I'm a fan of the bad boy...

by the way Im new and still getting the hang of all this...
Hey, hello and welcome! There's something about Eddings' thief characters, I find. (I count Silk and Talen as some of my favourites, too):)
Hiyas! ^^

Anyway uhh Silks a cool character so is Talen huh i wonder who would win in a thief off (Competition btwn theives)
I wonder what the rules of a 'thief off' would be .....

I think I got one to enter that may beat Melidere. What about Aphrael? She's always trying to steal the worshippers of other gods...
i love Salmissra too! All of the ones we meet are such distinctly different characters despite Belgarath, Beldin and Polgara often saying "if you've met one salmissra you've met them all" or to that effect.
I do think that the last Salmissra - Serpent Queen Salmissra (doesn't that sound like a cool action figure) is the best. So coldly cunning and brave - to stare down a raging Polgara. Drugged or not, that would have been tough.
I just got to rereading the Diamond Throne ..... *sigh Ulath just walked into the book! *sigh
He really expanded into a great character in the second series.
My favorite caracter has got to be beldin i dunno why hes just the type of person i like and can relate too. hes very knowledgable and shows hes love to others in hes own way not the norm.
I've always been a HUGE Silk fan from the start, and upon reading the Elenium/Tamuli I also took quite a shine to young Talen.
Also really love Kalten and Aphrael, they're my favourites :D

And welcome Abbot.
Hey thanks for the welcome ive actually been a member since last yr but didnt realise untill i got a birthday congratulationsh from the owners yesturday. so i decided to come check it out and now i dont know why i left.

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