X-Men (2000)

Originally posted by ewlyn
I think the characters were very well cast... and while people have been complaining about what a goodie goodie Cyclops is in it, that's exactly how I've always seen him.

I had to think about that for a moment. Cyclops--Scott Summers--goodie goodie...

Why is he perceived that way?
1) He's the leader. He's the one that takes all our favorite bad boys and bad girls and gets them pointed in the same direction when in the field. That can't be easy. However, even Wolverine listens to him in the field. So he has got to have some major charisma and smarts.

2)He's in a steady, monogomous relationship. (Oh, yeah--but is Jean Grey?? She keeps being attracted to Wolverine--that doesn't help Scott's rep...He's not oblivious, though. Plus there was that whole thing with Madelyn Pryor (Jean's clone)--it's complicated.)

3) He doesn't go around shooting/hacking/slashing or just plain killing people. Why? Well, he's got a strong morale code, and a pretty deep common sense streak. In most cases, you can get more information from a live hostage than a dead foe. And in a lot of cases, the people they fight aren't evil--usually they believe that they're on the side of law and order, or are unenlightened, or are such minor bad guys that killing them would be a serious reputation killer. For those times when killing is necessary, he has several people on his team who are chomping at the bit for the chance--but he still takes the guilt (very angsty, our boy is :smile: ) He doesn't always delegate though. He does a lot of the dirty work himself. It's part of his moral code. And really, it's harder to protect than it is to revenge.

4) Even though he's a man of few words, and you can't see his eyes (the windows of the soul)--you trust him. You believe he is a good guy and that he will always be there to back you up. His inability to control his power has made him reserved and unable to just let loose and relax. Which is a shame--those few times when he does have been REAL fun!

5) Have you seen the comic since he came back from being dead? Very liberating experience for him apparently!

As I've matured I've found that, while the characters I loved are still very close to my heart (Gambit, Wolverine, Rahne Sinclair), some of these other characters who seemed "goodie goodie" when I was younger have depth and detail that I now find fascinating. Cyclops--I'm liking him more and more these days....

My 3 cents worth :smile:
Hey RQ. I guess "goodie goodie" wasn't the best term for me to use - it's more a term others have used - but you're hitting close to what I was trying to say. I've always seen Scott as being the moral fiber of the group - so to speak. And of course there's good reason for this. He's level headed, loyal, extremely smart. But I've also always also seen him as a bit of a 1950's golden boy because of it. Anyway, I thought they hit them all spot on. ;)

Best $0.03 I've ever seen spent! :D
James Marsden - yummy!

James Marsden is so yummy! :rolly2: It sucked that you couldn't see how beautiful his eyes are in this movie. But the rest of him sure looked great! I enjoyed the movie and hope they make another one!
x-men is a cool movie. i wanted to see it at the cinema, but i couldn't so i had to wait til it came out on Sky Boxoffice...:(

Hugh Jackman. now he is nice;) ;) ;)

no i will have to disagree and say jean grey is the nicestout of the movis
Hugh Jackman is a dish, quite agree with you there Jessa.

annette :)
It hd Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellen in it.... my fav two male actors.... sorry but says it all
Patrick Stewart is a great actor. I liked him in this.

annette :)
I couldn't think of a better actor to portray Professor Xavier than Patrick Stewart, he was right on the money. And Wolverine was also a great choice, they all were as far as I'm concerned. Who do you think they should cast as Nightcrawler and Beast.... any ideas? I can't readily think of one for Nightcrawler but for Beast it would have to be someone with build like Lou Ferrigno or Arnold Schwartznegger [sp?]:rolly2:
i would have too say david boneraz(angel) for night crawler and for beast i have too say slyvester stallone
Those are two excellent choices, Reptile! I never thought of Angel but he does seem to fit and Sly Stallone would be great with his voice as it is!
I love the film..possibly cos it had Patrick Stewart in along with hugh jackman!!!

I watched the cartoon when i was younger and loved all the characters..Rogue is v.cool but i am disappointed Storm couldn't fly in the film and rogue was missing, like, half her powers!!!hopefully she'll learn them in the next film, which i have gathered is likely to be about wolverine mainly!!!
Originally posted by PrancingPony I love the film..possibly cos it had Patrick Stewart in along with hugh jackman!!! I watched the cartoon when i was younger and loved all the characters..Rogue is v.cool but i am disappointed Storm couldn't fly in the film and rogue was missing, like, half her powers!!!hopefully she'll learn them in the next film, which i have gathered is likely to be about wolverine mainly!!!
Storm did fly in the film a couple of times, she flew in the Station scene and in the scene with Toad in the museum at the Statue of Liberty. I also saw the cartoons and read ALL the Comics since the #1 Episode, that's how I got hooked on XMen! It was quite some time ago but I love what they did in the movie, I do hope the next movie is about Wolverine, he's always been a favorite of mine.
I think Wolverine is pretty cool. Hugh Jackman is a good looking man. :naughty:

annette :D
I not a fan of comics so this was my first look at the Mutant theme. I have to admit that what drive me to see it was Patrick Stewart after seen him in Star Trek I really was curious to see his new franchise. And I love the movie, it was very good. But I hope they continue developing the character in the next X Men movie. I also love the character of Hugh Jackman, this is were I first hear of him and after this I follow his other movies. And he's not only good looking he's a great actor. Love him in Swordfish and Someone Like You. ;)

Krystal :D
The X-Men have been re-invented again!

And just for once the film makers and my opinions more or less coincide. Probably because I didn't try and compare what I remembered and the film, you always have to suspend credulity with comics.

Okay, the characters are different, leaving out Beast, Angel and Iceman (the later still at school in the film), substituting Wolverine and Storm (strange girl). But they did leave Cyclops and Jean Grey, even if they are somewhat older. Stewart looks as if he was made for the part of Xanier.

Magneto and Sabretooth were almost deadringers for their sixties counterparts, though Sabretooths fangs and claws were longer in the books as I recall (Beast grabbed him by a tooth once)

I'm actually glad I've seen it now! Roll on episode 2
I didnt really have any expectations for this movie as i;m not a fan of comics or anything like that, so i really didnt know what to expect, but i'm glad to say i was pleasantly surprised and i really enjoyed it :D roll on the sequel :)

This is another film I came to late, just watched the DVD on the suggestion of Annette.

Originally posted by padders
Have to say I was quite disappointed with it... Pretty bland film with some special effects but no real story line to speak of.

I'm afraid I have to agree with padders on this one. I thought 'Spiderman' was much better.

As for the storyline, I did hear Ian McKellen in an interview on the radio a while back. He said it was only because of the story that Bryan Singer persuaded him to do it. To him the story concerned alienated youngsters (the Mutants at Xaviers school) and he had felt that way as a child himself (being Gay) and thought it would be a help for other kids from ethnic and religious minorities who didn't quite fit in. If you rewatch the film (Magneto being Jewish, Rogue being unable to touch her boyfriends) then maybe there is a theme running there that wasn't very obvious at first.
Hey Dave, sorry to hear you didn't enjoy X-Men. :(

I suppose everyone has different tastes. Will you watch the second one?

annette :)

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