X-Men (2000)


New Member
Oct 11, 2000
I liked this movie, but it could have been much better. There was so much potential for this movie. The bad guys had all the good scenes. I will certainly watch it again when it comes out on DVD or video. I hope they make a sequel - but it certainly needs more of the Action Adventure that are typical of these movies.

Hugs :)
Have to say i was quite disappointed with it. Not sure what i was expecting but in the end it was just a film based comic. I thought there might be a bit more to it but, well, there wastn't. Pretty bland film with some special effects but no real story line to speak of. I would only give it a 3/10

Hi, I watched the X-Men film over the weekend on video. Thought it was OK. The Special FX were very good. Only thing disappointing were the credits at the end. Didn't say who played which parts. Anyone help. Annette
what's next?

I agree, real bad ending. Looks like they're going to make a whole series of X- Men films. Anyone heard what the next 1's about yet?

To Annette:
Prof. X: Patrick Stewart
Wolverine: Hugh Jackman
Mystique: Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
Toad: Ray Park
Cyclops: James Marsden
Jean Grey: Famke Janssen
Sabretooth: Tyler Mane
Magneto: Sir Ian McKellen
Storm: Halle Berry
Rogue: Anna Paquin

hope this helps!
Thank you ShadowPredator. We have just bought the DVD of X-Men. We have only watched some of the excerpts on it. Part of which tells us who is who. Thankx again for your help.

Well I think the x-men movie should have had a little more depth to it because everybody just pops out at you expecting you to know there name and history but I did like the special effects.

yep you're rite about the characters, I'm a fan of the X-Men comics but i still never heard of magneto b4.

special fx were cool, did u like the mutant 'powers' or the gadgets and stuff (eg. the plane type craft)?

do u think the sequel will b ne good?
You say you're a fan of the XMen comicsm but you'd never heard of Magneto before? :eek: Please say you're kidding! He's only been the most reoccuring Bad Guy in the comics!

Then there was the time he was a good guy, and then he was bad again, then he was good, then he was bad....he's been dead a couple of times, regressed to a baby once, cloned at least once....

He and Rogue sure hit it off in a couple of sequences! ;) Plus he's Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch's father....

He's...wow. Magneto and the XMen are almost synonymous. And I fully expect him to show up in future sequels to the movie!

seriously, i've never heard of Magneto- or i don't remember him.
he was in the uncanny x-men comics, rite?

What happened w/ him and Rogue?
I hope in the sequel they go into more depth with the history and personalities of the characters.
Info from Cinescape online on the sequel, hot off the press:

In an interview with Comics Continuum, X-MEN producer Ralph Winter talked about moving into work on the sequel, as well as his hopes for the series in the future. And while he was up on beginning work on the sequel, he cautioned fans not to expect a huge blowout of a movie.

 "I am starting a concept artist and we are beginning to write the script," Winter told the site. "I am very happy to be back… We're trying to do if for a price because, frankly, we're trying to do more than one movie. We'd love to do a franchise. We'd love to see many stories get told. So we're trying to start at a level that establishes the characters and makes people want to go further. So, we're starting at a budget level that's very large, but not the biggest budget ever. It gives us some place to grow to."

Shooting begins later this year or early 2002.

Personally, I loved the X-Men film. I got into the X-Men around when the X-Men comic was first released back in (1991/1992?) and have done a lot of back reading. I mean, obviously, it's not going to be as good as the comic. It's the first film in what they hope to be many and they had to do everything in their power to set it up and at the same time get a plot in there which people who were not too familiar with the comic might be interested in.

I think the characters were very well cast... and while people have been complaining about what a goodie goodie Cyclops is in it, that's exactly how I've always seen him.

My only gripe is that Psylocke and Beast were not in it... Beast would have been a bit hard to do... but Psylocke would have been easy. She's always been my favorite character.

Anyway, I'm rambling again.
"My only gripe is that Psylocke and Beast were not in it... Beast would have been a bit hard to do... but Psylocke would have been easy. "

Hi ewlyn,
I read in another forum that Beast and maybe Night-crawler would be in x-men2!.
Hi Ice :)

Yeah, I heard the Beast and Nightcrawler rumor... somehow I can't see how they're going to be able to do Beast and not make him look kinda out of place... you know?

Nightcrawler wouldn't be as hard to do. Anyway, I hope they find a way to add them both. And Psylocke. ;)
Yeah, beast would be hard to create.
The costume would become kind'a hot after saving New York from evil dooers.
True, true.

They could always make him CGI. But that might be even odder... although, if you think about it, since they were able to pull off Sabretooth who is kinda similar, they should be able to pull off Beast, no?
They should be able to pull off Beast, no?"
No...I mean Yes...grr
I AGREE WITH YOU, they could decently pull it of; some how savor tooth completely slipped my mind. :crazy:
