1.17: Through the Looking Glass

No, these aliens don't come back again... unless they might have in season 5. But you're right. The crew would have to get stuck in starburst again for us to see them, and seeing as how Moya will probably not have another child, and seeing as how it was her pregnancy was throwing off her systems this time around, I doubt they'll ever get stuck in starburst again. Whew!

As for Aeryn and her intuitive knowledge of Moya's systems and Pilot's DNA, I remember John and Zhaan discussing it briefly... but don't remember in which eppy. In any case, it comes up from time to time, but in ways that are really in keeping true to Aeryn's ("not so much personal information") character. Aeryn doesn't readily share much of herself and being "contaminated" by aliens, especially so directly like in DNAMS, surely rattled her. She's done a remarkable job adjusting.

Remember that Aeryn was raised to value racial purity (among other things) so the fact that she's been able to come to terms so well with her circumstances, and with everything she's been through, is a huge testament to her character. But she still isn't about to discuss it with anyone... even John... not yet.

I loved that, by this eppy, she's coming to terms with the fact that everyone has to do a bit of everything, so she's just as willing to lift a wrench and do some tech work as she is to shoot the bad guys. Shows how much she's grown.
1.17 Through the Looking Glass

Do not read before watching this episode

I am sure I must have told at some point I love Farscape. Or perhaps I forgot. Sometimes things seem so obvious you might forget they need to be expressed. Well than. I love Farscape!

OK... ahem... having said that, I should add that I am pretty sure I never explained why. It this necessary, you ask? Well, such questions inevitably arises at some point. Therefore I will now endeavour on trying to formulate an adequate answer to that.
There are, to be exact, four reasons. I shall call them levels:
1. red level
2. blue level
3. yellow level
4. full-colour level
Perhaps, at this point, you may wish to grip your head and cry: Why so difficult? That’s OK, don't bottle up. It is because Farscape itself is this complex, this multi-layered. Don't blame me for that, I'm only trying to explain. And I will do so by reviewing this episode.
So, allow me to take you by the hand and lead you Through The Looking Glass.

It starts with an introduction. We are in a chamber and see people sitting around a dinner-table. They are having dinner and an argument. A common occurrence; people thrive on both, you sometimes wonder. See how different they are? And so are their agenda's, their objectives, the directions they want to head off. Some more selfish than others. Just listen to this creature for a moment:
"Well, Moya has been, for as long as I can remember, our protector, our home, our companion and our friend. But as relationships grow, they can also change. You think we can trade her in for a faster vessel?"
This is not a unit, a team. It is a bundle of beings, each one busy with its own affairs. Too busy to realise the walls, well the DRD’s, have ears. Their ship, a living ship, bears the name Moya. She is as concerned about her own self-fulfilment as the others are for theirs. And she acts accordingly. Rash. Unintentionally she turns the discord into a physical schism. And presto! There are the levels we are about to explore.
Don't worry, just hold tight to my hand and nothing will happen to you. This is, after all, one of their good days.

Red. The color of emotions, quarrel, anger, rage, violence, suspense and nauseous tension. Ask Crichton. Here we meet Ka D'Argo, warrior. There is more to him than just that, of course. It is also the man who was done grave injustice, falsely accused and convicted for the murder of his wife, and is now searching for his son.
Quarrel, violence, strong emotions, it's all there in Farscape. At different levels too. Yes, even more levels. Isn't it great?

Blue. The cool colour of common sense, reason, practicality. Momentarily the residence of Aeryn Sun, ex-Peacekeeper. Ask what she expects of life and she would answer: 'Service, promotion, retirement, death.' Cool, nearly cold reasoning. But is she is about to learn she can be so much more. That there is much more in life. This colour is about evolvement and involvement.
There is an incessant, high-pitched whine on this level. Which makes communication next to impossible. Common sense and practicality may lead to great plan-making, but there always is something that will disrupt your plans and begs for a Plan B.
Farscape feeds on it.

Yellow (or orange for better readability ;)) is the colour of wit, humour and sudden, unexpected twists. It is curious we get to see Rygel here, you remember, that hyper-selfish creature. Dominar Rygel, greedy Rygel. Hardly a joker. But doing a great job impersonating one here. As I said, unexpected twists. Believe or not, he even gets lyrical:
Oh there is no expanse of the mind the will can not traverse,
or physically the distance laid across the universe.
His blessings many in the stars say one lamented curse,
that sixteenth Rygel, glory me, must travel in reverse!

Reverse, side-wards, upside-down... Farscape stands for winking at conformity, goes its own way, refuses to fit in. Just like Chiana, the newbie, but born to fit in with Farscape.

The last level cannot be reached without full co-operation by all of them. A timed operation, in a race against the clock and across barriers. It is the human, Crichton, who gets the task of locating the problem, finding the solution, breaching barriers, bridging gaps and steering them all in the same direction. Well, someone had to do it. And no doubt he received some spiritual guidance from Zhaan, former Delvian priestess, pa'u of the 10th level.
And thus they do find their common direction, at last. And that is forward, always forward, only forward. Straight to full-colour. Now we see an unit, a team (well, sort of), a combination of unexpected and unlike elements, bound by circumstances, forged by crisis. Now Moya’s crew is complete and ready to meet Scorpius, Mr. Black personified. Now their good days are over. Now their troubles truly begin.
Scape on!

Did I ever tell you...? Yes, I did. But I can't really explain why, in a satisfactorily way. Oh well, let’s get back through that looking glass before… Dang!
