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Sympathy please.....


Aussies RULE the world
Aug 27, 2000
Our local TV station will not be playing Stargate on the 12th of October. So i am looking for sympathy..... :)
Visit me in seven more days and I will help lessen the pain of missing Stargate! HEEHEE (She laughs evily and plans to get more victims to visit Fan Fiction and POST ACTION FILLED SEGMENTS. Hint! Martouf!)
Oh well i feel better now :)
Actually half of Australia will be "Stargate-less" so that makes me feel a bit better.
You mean that the other half either doesn't get Stargate SG-1 at all? or are they just beginning season4?...or worse...
Not at all (Or so that is advertised that way) But i will never give up hope until Thursday.
You see it on Thursday. We get ours in Syndication on Saturday and Showtime is on Friday.
Yeah, Sci-time friday? if i remember?
It has been on thursdays as long as i remember. Mainly because it is a TV station that shows everything and thinks that SG is not very popular (may they be struck donwn!)
Agree Martouf, but my car is to small and the impacts would dent it severely! Maybe Abydos6 and I could hit them with our shoes?
You mean that my shoes and Abydos6's shoes haven't hit you, yet!
You haven't felt that thump, either? (reference to earthquake comments!)
Good for you! It is good to have our needed fix of SG-1!
Welcome to our forum, Akphraoh! We are pretty nice around here even when I threaten to lob shoes at Martouf!Glad you are posting! We always enjoy comments of our fellow addicts to SG-1. What episode did you get your fix from?
Have done all the new season 4 and am back into season 3 with Into the Fire and Seth. Been enjoying them again as Season 3 is now US Syndication. No wonder you needed a fix. My wait for Samll Victories drove me nuts. Now I am waiting for Chain Reaction and 2010 with the same impatience! Season 4 has some top notch episodes!
*feels very down especially as everyone is talking about new eps and I am left to watch my tapes*

Oh well, i emailed local TV station and they said they are doing everyting they can (can't ask for much more hey?)
You might want to find out who the local station is affiliated with and e mail them! Often unless the little guys have a good budget, they can't do much. But the big guys can. Especiall if you put their email out and ask freinds in same situation and friends who know you to email!

A you getting the drift.... Research! Then act!
Well when channel 7 bring it to Adelaide (the capital city of my state) then our local 'country' TV station will play it through them (They do this often)

A good point now is that they are having a stupid competition and a small white dot appears on you TV screen and when i tape, the dumb dot will get taped aswell.

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