

THE Messiah
Aug 27, 2000
How come no 1 is posting at the files forum, such a good show but no where near as good as stargate sg-1. Lately the story lines have been lacking and rumours that david will be leaving sounds to me that the show might be finishing as i dont think personally anyone can take davids spot in the show with out ruining the conceept of the show.
um.. how exactly did you find the x-files forum? you aren't supposed to be able to yet!

Can you tell me, that is a bit weird.
umm i went down on the drop sown menu down the bottom and found an x-files forum and went to it. Didnt no this wasnt opened sorry.
Are cunning, initiative! Going to have to get rid of that sometime :)

TalkXfiles.com is coing soon, of course use it now but most people won't find it yet!
Woops sorry i just scrolled down to see something other than talk farscape, a show in which i have never seen and heard of until lately. So yeah, did not no this was not open yet.
Oh it is open, just most people won't know it is here as I have not added it to the front page, set up talkxfiles.com or added to the top drop down menu. I forgot about the bottom menu, it is auto generated.
I am trying to do 1 million things at once but it is high up there. I need to edit the templates to get talkxfiles.com site working, need to edit the top templates as well. Coming i promise but working to get scifibanners.com going at ths second in time. 2 days max i promise!
I dont care when this forum is open, i kimd a see that your a busy man with all the forum stuff. So when the talk xfiles forum i will be in here again.