Andromeda....should I?


May 5, 2006
Hi folks,

Well, I'm up to date with Stargate (end of series 8) and Atlantis and also BSG has just finished it's run on Sky. I have no fresh Sci-Fi to watch on TV. I hate these times :eek:

I've seen B5, Firefly, Farscape and I think all of the other quality sci-fi shows. Don't think I have missed one...

Except...maybe...Andromeda. Is it any good? The odd episide I have seen looks a bit rubbish to me - but I of course may be missing out on a wonderful huge epic plotline.

What do people think? Worth getting hold of the DVDs (if they are cheap enough) or should I take a chill pill and watch B5 again?

My viewing life in your hands! :)

Steve (who does read books as well) R
Ur, um . . . well, Andromeda has some fine moments, but on the whole, it's not as good as the series you listed in your post (except, for SG: Atlantis, which I haven't seen and so cannot compare).

However, if you are starved for science fiction, then it's worth watching several episodes just to see if it grabs you. When there was a dearth of SF on TV, I watched it faithfully. Mid-series, I quite liked it. Toward the end, I found myself saying, "What? Huh? Oh, come on!"
I watch just about everything I can sci-fi-wise, but I never could get into Andromeda.

Did you ever watch Crusade? - the spin-off from B5? Very enjoyable.

Invasion is still on at the moment too - that's getting very interesting, though it's been on for a while now, so I'm not sure how long it will be on for.

I also quite enjoyed Threshold, I don't know if we can expect that to return for a second season in the near future.

But apart from Dr Who and Lost, I don't think there's much else showing at the moment.
Yes, I have seen Crusade and it certainly had potential - shame it got axed!

I also enjoyed Threshold - looking forward to season 2 - with that question hopefully going to be answered - what did NASA actually find at those coordinates! Can't beleive they ignored that for the rest of the season!

Mmmm...looking a bit bare 'aint it!

Play and Amazon want 50 quid plus per series for Andromeda! Blimey - that 'aint going to happen!

Maybe if I rent them....though not convinced :) Although they have done at least 5 series as far as I know - so you wonder if it might be some cop after all. Then again they did do seven seasons of Voyager (ah man sorry - did I say that out loud?) :)

Personally, I liked Andromeda. The first couple of seasons were good, and then the pltline went all funky and I lost interest, espically after they changed Trance's color (I liked her purple).

If you wait a while, ADV Films has a huge sale on every once in a while and you can get the Andromeda DVD's for less than other places. (ADV Films is also reliable, just click on the catalog/stroe tab. Ignore the anime).
She changes colour? Was that part of the plot or just a re-design. I saw her the other day and she was orange/red.

Thanks for the link to ADV - unfortuately I am in the UK so unless they do some really really stonking deals then it won't be very cost effective - especially by the time I have paid import duty. Also, my new DVD player is not multi-region.

i watched andromeda it was good but if you missed chunks or wached out of order it could get confusing. oh and she changed couler when she came back from the future coz the time line she had been following did not turn out well so she was having anouther go!
The first couple of seasons of Andromeda are reasonably entertaining, there were some interesting plot ideas hidden behind the cheesy dialogue and Kevin Sorbo's awful acting. However, it went downhill badly after that.
Andromeda has too much flaws to count, and yet, I liked it.
If you're a big fan of sci-fi shows (seems you are), you should watch Andromeda.

If it's cheap.
Thanks for the comments gang on Andromeda. No doubt I will watch it - but I think it's going to be an eBay special. I'll let you know how I go.

I couldn't get into it.

Hercles in space, although some of the cgi was not too bad.
Wouldn't pay money to watch it :eek:
speedingslug said:
I couldn't get into it.

Hercles in space, although some of the cgi was not too bad.
Wouldn't pay money to watch it :eek:
I think Andromeda would have been much better if they'd just let the show's creator (Robert Hewitt Wolfe) get on with what he seemed to be trying to do - write an epic Star Trek-like SF show. Instead the show's producers seemed to be determined to turn it into Hercules In Space. Eventually the producers (including Hercules/Sorbo) ended up firing the show's creator. And most of the writers. And some of the actors, including probably the most interesting character. That was about the time the show really went downhill.
I'm a big CGI fan - hobby of mine making 3d pics. The effects on Andromeda were I believe created using the same software I use. Still not a good enough rason to buy it!!

Just bid on the first DVD of series 1 (first 5 episodes) - will be 3UKP if I win delivered. I will watch the first 5 and go from there.

Normally I'd risk it but since I am still out of work after a redundancy I had better tread carefully :) Sorry darling, can't afford food today - but do you fancy watching the complete series 1 of Andromeda? Yo ucan see how that might go!


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