A theoretical physicist contemplates the plausibility of time travel

Jayaprakash Satyamurthy

Knivesout no more
Nov 11, 2003
Bangalore, India
I have to finish reading this, but it seems very interesting. It's an inteview with theoretical physicist Michio Kaku of the City University of New York on the possibilities of time travel. Kaku was apparently one of Michael Crichton's inspirations for the novel Timeline.

Here's an intriguing quote from the interview:

Originally, the burden of proof was on physicists to prove that time travel was possible. Now the burden of proof is on physicists to prove there must be a law forbidding time travel.
Read on...http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa004&articleID=0000AB94-4016-1FBE-801683414B7F0000
It does look interesting - but the burden of proof for a null hypothesis is a non-starter. Always, ideas in science must be validated as a hypothesis by scientific method. Reasoning the reverse is not cricket. :)

Thanks for pointing out the article, btw - I don't normally get to visit the Scientific American site very often. :)

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