susan boulton

  1. Susan Boulton

    New Review.

    New review of Hand of Glory up on Sffworld by N.E. White. Hand of Glory
  2. Susan Boulton

    Article on Sffworld about the ideas behind Hand of Glory.

    A little something I have written for Sffworld about Hand of Glory. Article by Susan Boulton: How an entry in a book on myths and legends became a WW1 novel.
  3. Susan Boulton

    First review of Hand of Glory in.

    Very pleased with this. Nicely balanced. Review in Starburst. HAND OF GLORY
  4. Susan Boulton

    Fantasycon signing and panel.

    On Saturday at Fantasycon 24th September I will be here, signing books. Many thanks to Mr Ian Whates. Newcon Press book launch and Hand of Glory..... Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Event Categories: Book Launch, Main Ballroom (Grand Hotel) And on this panel right after. This Used to be The Future...
  5. Susan Boulton

    An article I have written on one of my characters.

    Penmore Press asked me to write an article about one of the characters in Hand of Glory. This is the result. Susan Boulton: The Veteran Speaks
  6. Susan Boulton

    Made the front page.

    Of my publisher's site. Penmore Press
  7. Susan Boulton

    Hand of Glory ebook.

    So it begins again!:LOL: So excited!!! and Ebook, paperback soon following. Hand of Glory “And all that awake now be as the dead, for the dead man’s sake . . .” In Passchendaele near the end of the Great War, Captain Giles Hardy is trapped on barbed wire, wounded...
  8. Susan Boulton

    Sneak peek of Hand of Glory cover.

    Up on the Penmore Press facebook page. Hand of Glory
  9. Susan Boulton

    I am blushing.

    This review on Amazon has made my day. Amazon Customer's review of Oracle
  10. Susan Boulton

    Oracle now 99p!

    Oracle is on offer on Amazon Kindle for 99p, get it now! ;) Oracle
  11. Susan Boulton

    Cover update

    Penmore Press are working on the cover of up coming novel, Hand of Glory. Penmore Press
  12. Susan Boulton

    The end is in sight!

    Final edit and read through of Hand of Glory has begun. Nervous and excited at the same time. My editor has been a joy to work with, but very tough. The next few days are going to be very busy.
  13. Susan Boulton

    Audio for Oracle.

    Soon to be available, an audio version of Oracle!
  14. Susan Boulton


    As I am slowly going through the copy-edited proof of Hand of Glory, it is strange to think that the world war, during which part of the book is set, is fast approaching one of it's most profound 100 year anniversaries. And beyond the horror and bloodshed there was and still is a very human...
  15. Susan Boulton

    It's getting closer!

    So it begins! Advance Reviews: Hand of Glory by Susan Boulton
  16. Susan Boulton

    Review of Oracle.

    A good, balanced review by our own Chopper! a review of Oracle
  17. Susan Boulton

    Hand of Glory.

    Just an update on Hand of Glory. Over the last couple of months it has been going through the editing process. Today I sent back the last batch queries from the copy editor. So, things are moving along at a good pace. No news yet of a publication date.
  18. Susan Boulton

    Writing Den

    Just thought I would show folks my new writing den.
  19. Susan Boulton

    New reviews for Oracle.

    Totally gobsmacked! Reviews: Oracle
  20. Susan Boulton

    Author bio and information about Hand of Glory

    My page at Penmore Press. Susan Boulton