jrr tolkien

  1. Brian G Turner

    Nazgul dialogue

    Just wondering - do the Nazgul ever say much in LOTR? The only two phrases I can think of them using are: "The Ring ... the Ring ..." "Back ... back, to Mordor will take you." But do they ever say anything else?
  2. Extollager

    Jemima Catlin's Hobbit edition 2013

    An interlibrary loan copy of The Hobbit illustrated by Jemima Catlin (Houghton Mifflin 2013) arrived. Her work is a success, and probably would come across all the better if I were reading the text. It is tasteful and in general the artist seems to me to have thought along with Tolkien. Catlin...
  3. Extollager

    Malvern Hills -- Tolkien angle -- Country Life magazine 20 March 2024

    https://www.tolkienguide.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=6210 The photograph reminds me a little of the country around Silverton, Oregon, when I stayed a night or two at Mt. Angel Abbey over 40 years ago.
  4. Extollager

    Collected Poems of JRRT -- 3-volume set Sept. 2024

    Major news for Tolkienists. https://www.tolkienguide.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=55644#forumpost55644
  5. Extollager

    Tolkien and... A. E. Coppard

    On the far right edge there's our Professor -- chatting with a young lady, drink in hand. http://tolkienandfantasy.blogspot.com/2023/09/tolkien-and-ae-coppard.html Does anyone here read A. E. Coppard? I've never had the impression that he was an author I'd like.
  6. Extollager

    Distances in The Lord of the Rings

    I know that one could try to work out distances oneself, using the maps, but I'm lazy enough to wonder if somewhere there is a source or calculator for distances in Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age. Help? I'm reading Holly Ordway's Tolkien's Faith, published this month (it is superb)...
  7. Extollager

    Revised and Expanded Edition of Letters of JRRT Due Late 2023

  8. Extollager

    Article on Marquette exhibition of Tolkien manuscripts

    https://www.marquette.edu/haggerty-museum/documents/icma-march-newsletter.pdf I thought this article would be easy to overlook, so I'd post it here.
  9. Vince W

    Neil Gaiman on J. R. R. Tolkien

    If you have access, or know anyone that does, to Masterclass, I recommend watching Neil Gaiman talking about his love for Tolkien and Tolkien’s influence. It’s a treat. https://www.masterclass.com/s/bb05814c
  10. HareBrain

    Origins of hobbits -- bug or feature?

    Is it just me who thinks it's weird that Tolkien never much attempted to account for the origins of hobbits, even though he was working on what would become The Silmarillion for forty years after he'd invented the creatures? If we take The Silmarillion as fact (within that universe), then...
  11. leorising

    The Silmarillion is a slog.

    I’ve been trying to finish it for three years now and at this point its basically moved from an ‘intellectual experience’ into a ‘for honor’ category. I’m this close to DNF’ing it. Honestly, gave me biblical Genesis vibes. Yes, I know, very interesting stuff but I just can’t get past the prose...
  12. chongjasmine

    Any fiction besides lord of the rings?

    I wonder if Tolkien writes any fiction besides lord of the rings? If so, what are they, and do you recommend me to read them, if I like lord of the rings. Thanks. I am only interested in fiction, and not non-fiction. I know Tolkien probably writes a lot of non-fiction, but I am only keen to read...
  13. Extollager

    Tolkien Reads the "Roast Mutton" Chapter of The Hobbit

    I've seen a statement elsewhere that iTunes (with which I am not familiar) offered a recording of Tolkien reading from the troll chapter of The Hobbit. I haven't found a way to get this audio file. Can anyone help?
  14. Toby Frost

    The Pilgrim's Progress as a possible influence on Lord of the Rings

    No doubt this has been discussed before somewhere, but has The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan been considered as an influence on The Lord of the Rings? I say this because The Pilgrim's Progress involves a journey across a huge fantasy land that mimics the good or evil of its inhabitants (the...
  15. ctg

    The Lord of the Rings - Second Age - Amazon Prime

    This series is set in Second Age, around thousand years before the events in the Lord of the Rings. The only connecting character might be Gandalf and certain High-Elves during this important age to the Middle-Earth and it was in this time, when the Numenor was thriving. In other words it would...
  16. Extollager

    Tolkien's Late Thoughts 2: Morgoth’s Ring pp. 301-431

    I'd like to suggest a discussion in July of Morgoth’s Ring pp. 301-431, with “Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth” (though this is not Third Age) and the Myths Transformed section. The "Athrabeth" may be the finest completed piece of writing about Middle-earth to have been left unpublished by Tolkien...
  17. P.K.Acredon

    Is there a reason other fantasy stories with detailed worldbuilding don't get the same amount of praise as Tolkien's Middle Earth?

    Like most people, I've read the lord of the rings and was lost in its worldbuilding. It was done so well cause Tolkien was a genius. But as I've read other fantasy stories with their own vast worldbuilding, I found myself not being that impressed with it as I was with Tolkien's world. Which...
  18. B

    If The Hobbit LOTR and The Silmarillion had been published in Present era, how would they fare?

    With readers and critics? Would they be as well received now as they would have when they originally came out ? Thoughts?
  19. B

    Who do you think is greater, J R R Tolkien or E R Eddison?

    Which of the two? J R R Tolkien The man who gave us The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings , Farmer Giles and Ham , The Silmarillion and other assorted tales Or E R Eddison the man who gave us The Worm...
  20. Toby Frost

    Philip Reeve on The Lord of the Rings

    Philip Reeve of Mortal Engines fame has been re-reading LOTR and posting his thoughts on his blog in sections. He's reached the Scouring of the Shire, which promises to be very interesting. He's particularly good on landscape, I think...