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  1. markpud

    Powers (on PSN)

    Guess not many people have access to this, on PSN? Walker has grown on me, and Eddie Izzard continues to steal the show IMO..
  2. markpud


    But finding something hard to watch doesn't mean I'm not enjoying the show, or the episode. Heck I love Walking Dead and Game of Thrones where much worse things occur!!
  3. markpud


    Time slots are so 20th century ;) Yeah she did! One thing bugging me a little, she gets the visions and characteristics of the person whose brain she eats.. but there's no sign of this happening with the other zombies? Is it some special gift? Or convenient plotting since she's the only POV...
  4. markpud

    MVTVP: Most Valuable Television Person?

    Worf - became increasingly central on TNG and then lifted DS9 when he joined their crew. Nimoy's Spock also lifted any incarnation of Star Trek by appearing. In terms of characters who left a hole when they left, I agree with Jadzia Daz. And Wesley Crusher. I kid, I kid! :)
  5. markpud

    Do you remember the name of this tv show?

    Yeah Lexx was great, for a couple of seasons at least! I wasn't a fan of the later season set on earth though.. Zev/Xev was the female lead, the actress changed at some point during the run! I remember the talking head computer-head 790, and Kai was a former assassin for his divine shadow...
  6. markpud

    4:19 Search and Destroy

    It's always good when the POI ties into Samaritan, so big plus this week from me! His Av software runs on 86% of the Internet? John Mcafee would be proud! I was expecting him to be recruited too, it seems that Samaritan could have used someone with his skills on board, so why not buy his...
  7. markpud


    Great to be back!! Spoilers for the mid-season premiere:
  8. markpud

    New Agents of SHIELD spinoff series coming
  9. markpud

    Agents of SHIELD 2x16 Afterlife

    Skye adjusts to her new mountain top surroundings and new buddy "him from the Tomorrow People" reprising his role as an untrustworthy super! They were hiding Raina there too, she's still not too happy about getting the power of looking weird, surprisingly. Her mother is alive too, dissection by...
  10. markpud

    12 Monkeys: 1.12: Paradox

    Another great twist with younger Katerina meeting Cole in 2015.. she was playing dumb all this time... like when Cole and Ramse were first captured and we thought she only recognised Cole from his name in Railly's recording. Or that she knew Railly too! It's getting very timey-wimey!! So Cole's...
  11. markpud

    Better Call Saul

    It's a shame this thread is quiet, guess not everyone has access to watch it though :( Speaking of the finale..
  12. markpud

    POI: 4.18: Skip

    She looks quite different in modern attire! I hope she's not leaving Vikings any time soon...
  13. markpud

    Humans - AMC remake of Akta Manniskor

    Just a teaser trailer, the series commences in October... Akta Manniskor was a fantastic show and I'll need some convincing that this will live up to it. I'm sure the effects will be flashier but that could be a negative as the varying levels of "uncanny valley" between the HuBots and the...
  14. markpud

    POI: 4.18: Skip

    I was trying to place the actor who portrays Frankie all the way through, and it finally clicked, she's on Vikings as Lagertha!
  15. markpud

    The Last Man on Earth

    Although Phil is really annoying, I want to give props to Will Forte for the portrayal. His false-friendly delivery, and general willingness to throw himself fully into the role (and the toilet pool) deserves some respect.
  16. markpud

    Sleepy Hollow - Fringe creators' new TV series

    Risking an off-topic here, but Buffy calls :) Spike was a great character that they wanted to keep around longer than originally planned, so things got changed, I suspect, to incorporate him as the love interest once Angel got his own show. Spike was a more interesting love interest than Riley...
  17. markpud

    Star Wars episode 7: The Force Awakens

    Next trailer confirmed to be airing with Avengers Age of Ultron! Yes. I'd love to see another of Yoda's species (I guess he was supposed to be the last of his race, but since when did that ever matter)
  18. markpud

    Putting things in perspective

    Have seen this video a while back, but it's very impactful. The jump from Earth to Neptune then the other giants, then our sun and on to the ever larger stars is just staggering.
  19. markpud

    Favourite Sci-fi movie??

    Watched last night and really enjoyed! Thanks for the recommendation :)