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  1. K

    What we're reading in July...

    Just finished Memories of Ice. Still my favourite book.
  2. K

    What we're reading in Marvelous May

    I'm getting in the mood for fantasy again, and in turn I'll prob be posting here a bit more often. Just finished Miéville's The Scar - my thoughts are in the thread in the Miéville forum. Reaper's Gale is coming up!
  3. K

    Anything like The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant?

    As somebody who considers The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant as the greatest fantasy work ever written, I can safely recommend everything else the man has written. The Gap Series isn't easy to get into, but then, neither is TC by most people's reckoning, and you clearly got into that. Keep in...
  4. K

    Seriously, read Mordant's Need

    I've said this elsewhere, but seriously. It isn't very long, it's very easy to get into, and it's entertaining from start to finish, packed full of interesting characters and a twisting story set in a really unusual environment. Think about it, it's Donaldson and you know he's damn good, it's...
  5. K


    I read this quite recently - my second Gaiman, and it's an enjoyable little book. Nothing amazing mind you, I preferred American Gods by a long way.
  6. K

    Reaper's Gale

    I'm considering it man, but I feel like I've forgotten too much of them, it's been well over a year now and Erikson's books have so much in them to forget. Convince me if you can, though, I don't think I really need much convincing. ;)
  7. K

    So, who's your favourite character in the Gap?

    For the few of you who've read it (everyone else is missing out so badly, they really are), who's your fave? This is almost impossible for me, there are so many awesome characters to choose from. I really, really like Warden, he has a kind of presence about him which makes you hang on to every...
  8. K

    Is Thomas Covenant the most frustrating "hero" ever?

    JDP: Having leprosy unfortunately does have to define who TC is, that's the whole point, if it stops defining who he is in his own mind even for a few minutes then he dies, period. His (initial) reaction to the land, in context with that leprosy, is also a necessary and thoroughly realistic one...
  9. K

    Does anybody recommend Donaldson?

    Mordant's Need is as entertaining as anything in the whole of the fantasy genre - it lacks the depth of his other works, but it's an absolute breeze to read. I love it, I've read it several times and I'm sure I'll read it several more.
  10. K

    did u know Donaldson writing 3 more books to end Covenant series?

    He already wrote The Runes of the Earth, the three books you're talking about are books 2, 3 and 4 of the Last Chronicles! Where've you been? :D
  11. K

    The Scar

    Why the hell can't you edit posts after 60 minutes? That's seriously annoying, the structure of that post was awful because I was pressed for time, and I was only half done improving it. Oh well, I guess you'll get the gist. ;) Anyway, I was going to add that Miéville's one of the better...
  12. K

    Reaper's Gale

    I'm not reading a single post in this forum until I've re-read all the first 6 books and then read Reaper's Gale (I love Erikson so much that that will probably only take a fortnight :s), but I just want to say OH GOD IT'S SITTING ON MY TABLE AT HOME I CAN'T WAIT I CAN'T WAIT I CAN'T WAIT
  13. K

    The Scar

    Haven't posted for a while, but I'm getting back in the mood. I've just finished The Scar, and I was just wondering to myself whether I enjoyed it more than Perdido Street Station, and I'm finding it a difficult question to answer. I think that Perdido Street Station felt more unusual to me, it...
  14. K

    Favourite Character?

    Bannor is great, as are the Bloodguard in general. You've got to love Foamfoller, Pitchwife and Mhoram too, of course. Vain and Findail were fascinating too, and TC himself. ;)
  15. K

    Thomas Covenant books

    Not just best but necessary, methinks. The Chronicles... tends to polarise readers - you will only occasionally find somebody who thinks they're "not bad" or "decent". The Gap series, Mordant's Need and his collections of short stories are all highly recommended as well, by the way. Those who...
  16. K

    Thomas Covenant books

    I'll re-post my mini-review. It's my favourite fantasy series so I'm biased, but yes, they're dark and atmospheric in parts, and certainly can be very horrible and grisly. After a car knocks him unconscious, leper outcast unclean anti-hero Thomas Covenant finds himself transported to The Land...
  17. K

    It's February Already! What We're Reading...

    You mean Frank Herbert. ;) I used to get those two confused as well.
  18. K

    It's February Already! What We're Reading...

    I just read Flowers for Algernon in one sitting. I was very moved by the end.
  19. K

    Obsession, Enslavement, Fetish, Passion?

    The other day one of my flatmates expressed her shock at seeing I had a hundred (yes, just a hundred, at the most) or so books on the shelf in my room, asking "why on earth" I had so many. I can't help but feel a large percentage of the people I know would have a similar reaction.
  20. K

    Read an E-book Week 2007

    No, thanks.