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  1. Tusitala

    Best game soundtrack?

    Some other masterpieces: -Ascendancy, -Headhunter, -Dark Messiah, -Heimdall 2, -Arcanum (violins!) -Ecochrome 1 & 2 (even more violins!) -Fallout 3 (classic hits), -Sanitarium, -Lords of the Realm 2, -The Longest Journey. Best, Tusitala
  2. Tusitala

    How much do you read?

    Hi, When possible -which isn´t very often, I´m afraid- I read one book a week at best, I´d say. There are months when I simply haven´t any free time to read, normally when I´m writing something big like a novel, publishing or translating... Best,
  3. Tusitala

    Where to start?

    Hi, I´d recommend "Hart's Hope", a poetic and emotional masterpiece.
  4. Tusitala

    Morrowind Upgrade

    A gorgeous upgrade, indeed! Does it require a more potent PC to be run?
  5. Tusitala

    Best game soundtrack?

    I do agree with you... Other breathtaking OST, IMHO, are Planescape Torment, Heroes of Might & Magic, Age of Empires, Jekyll & Hyde, Age of Wonders...