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  1. Pride

    Question About Historical Fiction Book

    A few years ago I read a trilogy about fighting clans in a Celtic setting. I don't know the author, the book title, or any of the characters names unfortunately. All I know is that throughout the series, three generations of sons/their families inhabit a castle. I would appreciate anyone's input!
  2. Pride

    Read Twilight, can't find anything better!

    I lol'd at the last bit.
  3. Pride

    Read Twilight, can't find anything better!

    "Stephanie Meyer can't write worth a darn." -Stephen King
  4. Pride

    No Title Yet

    No, I appreciate any feedback, thank you. :)
  5. Pride

    No Title Yet

    Thank you, Chris.
  6. Pride

    No Title Yet

    I'm not at all sure what age group this story is for, I've just been writing. I'm not entirely sure how Pride & Calder and Eve never meeting Pride is an inconsistency, Pride never leaves the forest and Calder & Eve never see him because he doesn't reveal himself to people. He's very good at...
  7. Pride

    No Title Yet

    As far as Jeck trading the horse for an apple goes - the point is he's acting. He is very wealthy and can use magic. He's an old man disguised. These things are unearthed in the next few sections. Pride isn't a god or anything like that, he just prefers to stay as far away from city people as...
  8. Pride

    No Title Yet

    I've been working on this for a bit and I've edited it quite a few times. I need more critiques though, from experienced writers. The only people who've had a chance to look over it have been family or friends. I'd appreciate any feedback although I'm specifically looking for opinions/criticism...
  9. Pride

    Best Served Cold - Joe Abercrombie

    I just finished the First Law trilogy yesterday and I'm excited about Best Served Cold. The Blade Itself was a little hard to get through toward the beginning, but by the end of Last Argument of Kings I was very sad to finish the trilogy. :( And I agree, soulsinging, reading the books was...
  10. Pride

    Silent Films

    I watched a really good silent film the other day. Beau Brummel was the title.
  11. Pride

    Out of Curiosity

    That's hard to believe considering all of your words are in alphabetical order... :p
  12. Pride

    Out of Curiosity

    So, do you think recalling words becomes easier as you become more practiced in writing? Or do you think it all depends on the person? Or...?
  13. Pride

    Out of Curiosity

    How often do you use a thesaurus while working on something?
  14. Pride

    what conditions do you find it best to write in.

    I write best usually at night. I think about whatever I'm working on sub-consciously all day and if I'm inspired enough, I'll sit down to write it later in the day.