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  1. marv335

    Are books too expensive?

    My question is why do eBooks cost as much as a hard copy? I travel a lot, and live in a country where I can't get books easily. My eReader is a constant companion.
  2. marv335

    Ageing of B5

    I'm currently working my way through series one (I picked up the complete collection set for £75 recently). I think the effects stand up quite well to scrutiny.
  3. marv335

    What comic books/graphic novels are you reading at the moment?

    I just (finally) read "watchmen" and now I'm reading "Y the last man" It's rather good.
  4. marv335


    just in case anyone is interested, the DVD is available from mid-april
  5. marv335

    The Traveller

    I quite enjoyed it. I can't wait to see where he goes with his characters. As a series, It shows lots of promise.
  6. marv335

    Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell.

    I didn't really enjoy it. I finished it, but it didn't really grab me at all.
  7. marv335

    [Dresden] White Night - due out April 2007

    Re: White Night - due out April 2007 i'm looking forward to this. i'm a huge harry dresden fan
  8. marv335

    Falling leaves, turning leaves - what's being read in November?

    this month i'll be reading "uglies", "pretties", and "specials" by scott westerfield. they look interesting.
  9. marv335

    Reading Groups

    if there is no sci-fi/fantasy book group near you, why not start your own? put up a flyer in your local bookshop/library. one has just started in my local bookseller. one of the shop assistants organised it. :D
  10. marv335

    October Offerings - What tantalising tome are you reading?

    i finished it myself a couple of weeks ago. simply put, the best fantasy book i've read this year. my only wish is that i'd not read it, so i can read it for the first time again.
  11. marv335

    October Offerings - What tantalising tome are you reading?

    i've also read fistfull of charms by kim harrison. not bad, but not the best in the series. and i'm working on the traveller. (i forget the author) it's getting better as i get into it. also try to get a copy of the blade itself. it's the best fantasy book i've read this year.
  12. marv335


    I'm warming to tiffany. i think she's going to be as formidable a witch as granny eventually. i fell off my seat laughing at the first meeting of you and greebo.
  13. marv335

    October Offerings - What tantalising tome are you reading?

    I've just read "The lies of Locke Lamora" by Scott Lynch. Exellent fantasy. well worth reading. It looks like it's the first in a series too. I'll be keeping an eye out for more from this author.
  14. marv335

    Favorite sci fi weapon

    for me, it's an order mages' black lorken staff shod in black iron. btw "the last starfighter is one of my favorite sci-fi films"
  15. marv335

    I need a fantasy novel recommendation!

    for fantasy, i would go with Robin Hobb or L E Modesit jr. not all that tolkeinesque but well constructed and engaging reading.
  16. marv335

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)

    can't wait yarrr!!!!!
  17. marv335

    I miss Firefly

    my pet theory on "shep" is that he was of high military rank (hence the martial arts/shooting skills), was sickened by the slaughter at serenity valley, retired to the monastary. and is now "out in the world for a spell"... bit of a firefly fan here.......
  18. marv335

    Heinlein's juveniles

    i read "tunnel in the sky" at an early age it got me into the rest of his work. number of the beast is one of my favorite sf novels.
  19. marv335

    The Thirty

    or possibly in the interests of public safety, get out less............
  20. marv335

    Cover for Thud!

    mine is already ordered