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  1. Simple Simon

    Against all Things Ending

    I've bought the book but not yet started it. Damn! I thought it was a trilogy. Here was me thinking I was at the finish line.
  2. Simple Simon

    Show us your... desktops.

    Here's me...
  3. Simple Simon

    Which sword would you like to own.

    Two swords that I found particularly interesting is the gun blade from Final Fantasy VIII (though im sure I'd somehow manage to shoot myself in the foot with it). And Severian's sword from The Book of the New Sun, it being a mercury centered executioners sword for increased executing momentum.
  4. Simple Simon

    Heroic fantasy

    I'll third David Gemmell, the master of heroic fantasy. I'd also mention Jim Butcher and Joe Abercrombie. Though I will mention Butcher's Dresden series is based in our world (that's if its still our world if you include all the fantasy parts).
  5. Simple Simon

    Non standard fantasy worlds

    The Dragonlance books world, Kyrnn, has three moons. A white, red and black one, each respectively important to the three orders of magi; the good, the neutral and the evil.
  6. Simple Simon

    Towers of Midnight (CAUTION! Contains Spoilers!)

    I'd agree that the time lines jarred at one point and that Rands story arc was ahead of Perrins. I wouldn't give any thought to a dark Tam as I think Perrin and Rand would have the ability to recognise one as such (alluding to their particular skill sets). If I can recall correctly back in the...
  7. Simple Simon

    Laptops and Skin

    If I used my laptop as shown in the link I'd be pushing 3rd degree burns within a few minutes. Dell should add that their laptops can also function as electric heaters.
  8. Simple Simon

    'Wireless' chargers?

    Here is a TED video (10 min) about how some MIT guys went about developing this technology. Eric Giler demos wireless electricity | Video on Considering Tesla back in the day was said to have demonstrated wireless energy this can't really be considered a new technology. We also have...
  9. Simple Simon

    Towers of Midnight (CAUTION! Contains Spoilers!)

    Thanks for that Murphy, that was great :).
  10. Simple Simon

    Homeopathy is Witchcraft

    We'll I know I've seen a research article before (not a notion where though) that concluded acupuncture does seem to have non placebo effects due to the fact that the multiple punctures created in the body kick starts regenerative process's that can have an effect on the condition the...
  11. Simple Simon

    Songs that remind you of books.

    I often here music that makes me think of a book but that's because I'll often buy music the same time I buy a book (or series) and binge on them both until one brings the other to mind. I can never listen to the album Rated R by Queens of the Stoneage without thinking about J.V Jones's Sword...
  12. Simple Simon

    Can someone recommend a Series.

    Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series sounds like it would be right up your street based on the fantasy series you mentioned. High magic content, large military aspect and the series is finished. It's also pretty easy to get into and very character progression based if thats what your into.
  13. Simple Simon

    David Gemmell Rigante Series

    And it gets even better in the Drenai Saga where not only is there large time gaps but these gaps don't necessarily go forward in time :)
  14. Simple Simon

    The Wizard

    Well I finally got around to reading The Wizard but it had been a little too long since I read The Knight that it took me most of the book to get back into the story and remember who everyone was. Though the book did keep me engrossed the whole way through which is something Wolfe's books don't...
  15. Simple Simon

    May's Meanderings in Fabulous Fiction...

    Just chewed my way through 'Before They Are Hanged' and 'Last Argument of Kings' by Joe Abercrombie aswell as 'Turn Coat' and 'Furies of Calderon' by Jim Butcher. I'm in the middle of a three week "study period" which I've spent catching up on my reading. The only question now is do I buy more...
  16. Simple Simon

    The Ultimate Question of The Stars!

    Never coud stand Star Trek where as I enjoyed all the Star Wars films to some degree so I went for Star Wars. A neither would have suited me just as well though :)
  17. Simple Simon

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Re: What Are You Currently Playing? (2009) I've started playing Doom 2. I played it years ago when it came out and I was about 10 but I always used cheats back then.
  18. Simple Simon

    So long and goodbye

    I think that WoW trial can be downloaded for free over the internet, just think, you could have started your soon to be addiction ages ago. Oh and southpark is also available for free on the internet.:cool: Though southpark is so good it's worth getting the DVDs of it.
  19. Simple Simon

    Anyone know how to get sound out of our new TV?

    Well you need inputs for dvd players and consoles. Are you saying there is no audio output connections? I would find that hard to believe. If there are you could probably get an adapter that would allow you to plug your phono connectors into them. Kind of tricky when you cant see the problem...