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  1. J

    What Games Are You Excited Over?

    The new XCOM looks awesome :)
  2. J

    Couple of Hypothetical questions.

    A character in my WIP is blind. I'm writing her POV as third-person limited, so it's described through her other senses/perception. Her other senses are pretty finely tuned, so she's rarely as a loss as to what's going on.
  3. J

    Kingdom Age on iOS Has anyone been playing this? I've just downloaded the app and am finding it massively addictive! I would recommend at least giving it a bash as it's free to play, and good fun if you're a fan of fantasy games. It's a kind of resource...
  4. J

    Patrick Rothfuss

    Good point - obviously an oversight in the internal logic of the piece :D
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    Patrick Rothfuss

    I enjoy Rothfuss' books, but I wouldn't say I'm a superfan. His writing is sometimes brilliant, but in NotW, I found some of the University stuff a bit too 'Hogwarts' for my taste and for me the whole Draccus side-quest didn't really jibe with the rest of the novel. Saying all that, I did enjoy...
  6. J

    The Future is 3 Dimensional (or is it?)

    I just can't see the current 3d tech + glasses being the way forward; seems to me to be a stepping stone on the path to future 3d tech. Hence I'd also vote for a good 2d tv rather than 3d :)
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    The Hound: A theory

    I'm pretty sure I read an interview with GRRM where he states that the 'kiss' is a deliberate use of an unreliable narrator rather than a continuity error.
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    Why do they do it?

    I think 'Why do they do it?' is a really good question. If you take the morality issue out of the equation, and look at what actually drives people choose to pirate something rather than paying for it. Is it purely cost? Is it the perceived fairness of the cost? Is it purely convenience?
  9. J

    Published authors and percentage income

    I must admit, I have a 'policy' of not buying ebooks that are more expensive than their hardcopy counterparts on the basis that IMO they should cost less as the production costs per copy sold are so much lower. Having browsed Joe Konrath's (self-publishing aficionado) blog...
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    Published authors and percentage income

    For me, this phrase is interchangeable with (again, my emphasis): However, I concede that your definition of the term might be more popular than my own. :)
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    Published authors and percentage income

    Hi Peter, Your assumption seems to rely on the fact that if someone is not writing as a profession then they are not entitled to describe themselves as a writer. I think there's a difference between someone who might describe their job as a writer to someone who might describe themselves as a...
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    Published authors and percentage income

    Threads like these are why I love Chrons :) I'll sidestep the whole "when's a writer a writer" debate as it seems entirely subjective to me... :) As for the potential earnings for trad vs self publishing, well this is a really interesting thread. I plan on submitting at least once more to a...
  13. J

    Angry Robot wants your epic fantasy!

    Thanks for the timely 'Heads up', Anne! I have a MS which was rejected elsewhere, but with lots of feedback. This may well be the kick in the backside I need to do another round of editing on it.
  14. J

    Firaxis developing UFO: Enemy Unknown remake

    Following on from some discussion in the 'best games evar' thread, some more info has crept out about a 're-imagining' of the classic UFO: Enemy Unknown, but by creators of the Civ games, Firaxis. XCOM +...
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    The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim!

    Played this for a few hours on and off since christmas. I'm a fan of the franchise and love it so far - particularly the new archery mechanics.
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    A Private Letter from Genre to Literature by Daniel Abraham

    Great post by Daniel Abraham regarding the tumultuous relationship between 'genre' and 'literature':
  17. J

    Favourite old games.

    I've never played anything that was better than UFO:Enemy Unknown I'm yet to play a game more atmospheric. I can still remember the terror of encountering a chrysalid and ethereal for the first time. I still haven't recovered. The fact that you...
  18. J

    E-book piracy

    IMHO the way to deal with ebook piracy is to produce a quality product and sell it at a mass-production price to give folks as little reason as possible to pirate it. There will always be some who will pirate it, but accept these as necessary losses for reaching the wider customer-base provided...
  19. J

    Don't Judge a Website by its author...

    Both sites are entirely Flash based, so it may depend on users' version of the flash plugin that they have installed as to whether they'lll see the site or not. Similarly, mobile viewing may not be possible for some people (various Apple iProducts don't support Flash for example). Copy/paste etc...
  20. J

    Amazon Publishing launch new SF/F/H imprint

    For those who are interested, Amazon Publishing has launched a new imprint for SF, Fantasy and Horror: 47North. Authors to release new books with the imprint include Neal Stephenson, Greg...