Fantasy cliches that make you want to kill someone

*villains are "dark" and/or embody darkness
*wainscot societies are getting pretty stale
*humans and magical beings share the world
*romance between humans and magical beings
*portal fantasy, at least the kind in which our world is the starting point
Potemkin World-Building.

There are, to be Frank, exceptions to this. For example, Sir Terence quite famously wrote the history of the Discworld as he went along and as far as I remember, there are no contradictions.
Read that as Pokemon World-Building and it confused me no end.

Mostly true, but there are quite a few retcons especially after the initial few books that were straight-up spoofs. Still love them though (currently re-reading Witches Abroad) and while contradictions normally annoy me no end (especially when you retcon stuff in trilogies or after like 7 books) Pratchett gets a pass because Discworld feels so alive and with all the zany stuff that happens there, I can pretend it was 'magic' :)
Single qu'otes in the midd'le of words or names to make them seem exo'tic.

Yes, this is the kind of thing I was referring to in my post above. Seems to happen even more in sci-fi. Using a ' or too many vowels doesn't make it more alien or fantastical, just a bit more difficult to read.

Having said that, lots of people seem quite happy with them, so as usual it's personal preference.
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That reminds me of the great line in the SF part of Blackadder's Christmas Carol:

"No, my Lord Pigmott, I have not vanquished the Nibblepibblers, because you just made them up."
When the heroes wife dies and leaves him a dog to love and the dog is murdered and his car stolen?

Every single one of his hundred-plus victims deserved to die for that :)
When the heroes wife dies and leaves him a dog to love and the dog is murdered and his car stolen?

Every single one of his hundred-plus victims deserved to die for that :)

And worse , The surprise ending where the hero finds out that his beloved pet Cat Fluffy was the one who orchestrated everything for insurance purposes naming himself as the sole beneficiary .;)

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