DISCUSSION THREAD -- February 2020 -- 75-Word Writing Challenge

The Judge offers a memento to one who knows some things are worth waiting for.

Ursa major offers a memento to one who seeks retribution, no matter how difficult.

TheDustyZebra offers a memento to one who will choose the path without the control of others.


Vote goes to Teresa Edgerton for showing us what happily ever after really means.
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What a month of princes, princesses, dragons, true love, and false all with mementos of no value and great and either possibly priceless.

One Pair of Glass Slippers, Only Worn Twice by @Teresa Edgerton for a wonderful story about when love really is for better or worse.

How Far Would You Go? by @nixie for a modern take on ancient mythology.

As True as Stone by @Cat's Cradle for a story that reminds everyone that love at first sight is actually a con job.

Till Death by @Victoria Silverwolf for a story with a wicked twist.

For me the story that touched all the right notes was One Pair of Glass Slippers, Only Worn Twice @Teresa Edgerton melted my heart with that story.
My short-list:

@BT Jones -- A Highland Echo
@johnnyjet -- When Smoke Gets in Her Eyes
@StilLearning -- Memento from fear
@TheDustyZebra -- Knight Error

I voted for @johnnyjet ! It blew my mind that there could be romance with smoke? Well, I was convinced :)

There many great stories! I picked those more my shortlist because I liked the unconventional take they offered.
Well, despite the fact that a dragon was being slain, I felt like your entry, Nixie, was the best choice for my mental and emotional state. XD Kind of have a hard time when dealing with any kind of romance in literature...and let's leave it at that.
A great number of great entries results in a slightly longer shortlist...

How Far Would You Go? - @nixie
As True as Stone - @Cat's Cradle
Till Death - @Victoria Silverwolf
...Before You Find Your Prince. - @mosaix
For Want of a Ring - @Parson
Love Requited - @Vince W
With This Token of My Love - @Peter V
Knight Error - @TheDustyZebra

And the vote goes to
One Pair of Glass Slippers, Only Worn Twice - @Teresa Edgerton

And a special mention goes to And Now For Something Completely Different - @Mr Orange - just for the Monty P references (y)
(And chris for the stealth vote.)
It was never intended to be a stealth vote - I had a shortish list, that I've further truncated to: Cat's Cradle, Culhwch, Daysman, mosaix and Teresa Edgerton, plus a remarkable effort from the Dusty one (considering time intervals), but I knew after my first read through it was going to be Teresa's Cinderella that stayed in my memory.
So I voted for that, and got down to final pruning.
