5.15: Fear The Walking Dead - Channel 5


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

When Virginia makes a statement, Al responds in kind; facing dire circumstances, June leads the search for a new place to call home; with Grace's condition worsening, Morgan makes a tough call.
Oh man, where do they find all of these tapes, and how many people are able to watch them, when the problem is the electricity generation. You go back to TWD's pilot episode and you count the number of times, you've seen electricity or functional places to videos, and they can be counted with maybe one hand fingers.

I get why Al is documenting her journey, because somebody has to in case humanity somehow survives. It's one thing from the old world she cannot give up, and why should she? To us, the documentaries are a perfect way of catching some of the moments, but they rarely convey true character feelings. The reason for it is simple, none of us drop the guard and allow free emotions to flow.

Rescuing Tom's sister was a rare occasion, because it shows true feeling, but when you interview people, you'll have to bear in my that they change their posterior and act up rather drop guard down. That's why we have reality tv shows, because often in them, the cameras are hidden and the object doesn't always realise that's the bit that ends in the small screen.

Also watching the actors through Al's documentary eyes, you get confirmation that those bank vault tapes held the names of the people. Sure, they weren't titled, to remind the viewers of who's speaking, but like us, Virginia surely would have learned enough of things through them.

Funny bit was that John brought up the fact, his "western towns" were build to operate without electricity. So, who is watching the videos and how?


If you're in the need, cooking saline isn't magic. You don't have to risk your life to go out to hunt for sterile bags and giving sets. All you need is the bag, bottle, tubing and a butterfly needle. After that you'll have to know that any puncture can give you or your patient septisimia and if that happens, you'll better put them out, because the next phase is organ failure, death and turning.

There is no way they could treat the blood poisoning in the convoy. Grace however is a puzzle. She acts as if she's in great deal of pain, as her skin looks clammy, but the colour of it is great. Nothing wrong it. No external bleeding. Not even on gums. No major hair loss.

Personally I would be in trouble, and I'd need doctors advice on how to treat her, if I'd were her carer. June, as a character has far more experience then I do, but honestly she looks as if she's panicking, when she found Grace unconscious, and unresponsive on floor. Frankly in her shoes I would have checked the pupils with a bright light, checked pulse, checked blood pressure to know if she's bleeding internally or if she's dehydrated, and then checked her responses against scratches and pokes, on both arms and at the bottom of the feet.

What makes Graces situation interesting is that we simply don't know what's wrong with her and why she's having trouble on retaining fluids?


Somebody needs glasses. An MRAP weight 14 tons, while a petrol truck can over 24 tons. Neither one of them had any business on going on the wooden bridge. One that nobody had been maintaining in the dead wasteland. It was just a foolish idea.

I was glad Strand did do the negotiation, except he should have had more of role rather than standing back and allowing Morgan to dictate the future. Although Virginia calling in a horde was same as declaring war, or committing a murder in the Kirkman's world. .

One thing though I really loved finarlly on having some action. For the series called Fear The Walking Dead, this is probably the only time in this season when I have felt my heart thumping.

Funny thing was that Al was doing the editing on her editing, and she was doing it until the batteries died and she was left without the means of doing a quick edit. I'm glad that in Tom's death, they showed the dangers of being a field investigator, as there are number of them that has passed in the recent years, because they were filming in the dangerous places.


Fifteen miles is nothing. Morgan and Dwight travelled on foot, without extra supplies hundreds of miles. In Morgan's case, thousands because he also tracked Rick. Sure there are the dead, but the closest horde is on the otherside of the broken bridge. In fact, there was no walkers, until they reached the ranch, and then it looked as if somebody had deliberately lead all of them in there.

This might be a speculation, but maybe that is the reason why there was no walkers. Then there was the disappointment, the actors were claiming that they barely made it, with all the guns and gear they were hauling. "There's nothing we can do," someone said.


Why do you hauls guns with attached optics if there is nothing you can do. Those dead, inside the ranch, they are not going be a threat if the fences can hold against "the buffalos." You line up on the ridge your best shooters, and then give them spotters, and you start doing your job. That is surviving. There is nothing more important and since you can see miles around empty fields, you can be sure that the muzzle report coming from the rifles isn't going to carry over the four thousand yards. Beyond that, the report is going to be too low and too distant for the dead to hear with their rotten ears.

Tell me why would you carry ammo if you cannot use it? Why would lug an empty gun with you?

"Virginia, we need your help..." :ROFLMAO: :LOL::ROFLMAO::giggle:
@ctg You bring up good points, which are exactly the problems with this show now and the dissatisfaction being shown by viewers.

Oh man, where do they find all of these tapes, and how many people are able to watch them, when the problem is the electricity generation.
While that is a very good point, I have another, which is WHO are they being made for. Between the groups that Virginian has collected and 'our' FEAR gang, can there really be anyone else in the area who is still going it alone? These most recent tapes are sales pitches, but who are they being pitched to? If you have already made your choice then you are unlikely to be persuaded by a tape.

An MRAP weight 14 tons, while a petrol truck can over 24 tons. Neither one of them had any business on going on the wooden bridge. One that nobody had been maintaining in the dead wasteland. It was just a foolish idea.
Couldn't someone (or a couple) leave the convoy and pick up the medicine for Grace, allowing the convoy to carry on and not have to take the 'short-cut?' The short-cut was such an obvious red flag for something going drastically wrong that it didn't really matter whether it was a bridge out or another nuclear disaster.

In fact, there was no walkers, until they reached the ranch, and then it looked as if somebody had deliberately lead all of them in there. This might be a speculation, but maybe that is the reason why there was no walkers.
When I saw that, my first reaction was that Virginia had done it. Not a single person out of the group thought the same? But they are all happy to call her for help now?

And I also agree that it isn't an insurmountable problem either. They are safe outside the fence with the Walkers inside. So, you put up some barriers and make a hole in the fence that only allows one out at a time. Then you get rid of them one at a time. It will take a while sure, but they didn't bring some rations and water along for just such an emergency? Or, while the Walkers are distracted with your hole in the fence at one side of the compound, someone quickly goes in at the other side, and picks up these supplies - supplies that may no longer be there in any case, no matter whether the Walkers had been there or not.
You line up on the ridge your best shooters, and then give them spotters, and you start doing your job. That is surviving. There is nothing more important and since you can see miles around empty fields, you can be sure that the muzzle report coming from the rifles isn't going to carry over the four thousand yards. Beyond that, the report is going to be too low and too distant for the dead to hear with their rotten ears.
I couldn't believe that they just gave up and dialed Ginny-911 without brainstorming solutions to their problem.
And I also agree that it isn't an insurmountable problem either. They are safe outside the fence with the Walkers inside. So, you put up some barriers and make a hole in the fence that only allows one out at a time.
That way, even limited ammunition wouldn't be a problem. A couple of people armed with pointy weapons and couple more to haul the bodies out of the way should have been able to take clear the walkers in fairly short order.
I was also thinking that Ginny had anticipated their destination and herded the walkers into the place. I also expected she and her cowboys to have the place under surveillance with plans to make things worse of the Fear Gang started to enjoy success.
Alicia the pacifist, isn't sitting well with me.
When they were getting people over the bridge, she should have taking up the rearguard with Morgan.

I get she has lost her appetite for putting walkers down, she wants to help and protect people but people were in danger she is one of the best fighters she should have helped.

I also feel they have giving in to easy, calling Virginia for help isn't going to end well I don't blame Dwight for walking away.

The core fear crew have all been in desperate situations before between them they could have at least tried to come with a plan to clear the walkers.
Between the groups that Virginian has collected and 'our' FEAR gang, can there really be anyone else in the area who is still going it alone?

I don't see why there would be any. Between Pioneers they have canvassed a great deal of area for the survivors and they haven't found any. Instead they have each other and they both hate each other, even though they both do the same thing, and according to Virginia, their goal is the same. It's like the red cross and the red crescent would have an argument over each other, and threatening to do violence if one denies the other.

Why there is so much hatred in the states? Why commit murders, if you are up for helping people?

Couldn't someone (or a couple) leave the convoy and pick up the medicine for Grace, allowing the convoy to carry on and not have to take the 'short-cut?'

If she recovered from one saline bag, and was able to do the fifteen mile walk, then what is wrong with her? Besides the point, the horde wasn't so massive that they couldn't handle walkers coming into the area, while they move the vehicles to protect the bridge. I mean, you create layers and inflate the tires, and maybe even put the wire fence between the vehicles as you've done before. It's going to need a lot of zombies to move those vehicles.

I question Sarah's ability to navigate, if she knew this short cut. And all of the drives should get their eyes checked for driving in the bridge that looked dodgy. I guess they were lucky it wasn't the Mississippi, but one of the streams that feeds it.

I was also thinking that Ginny had anticipated their destination and herded the walkers into the place. I also expected she and her cowboys to have the place under surveillance with plans to make things worse of the Fear Gang started to enjoy success.

Yeah, it's the obvious thought, but how come the producers didn't see it, and why is that it didn't come out in the writers room. All of this plotting and forcing the characters to do these things sounds like the writers decided to force the position in order to create conflict and tension. Why is the series called Fear the Walking Dead?

You look at the jewish temple conflict or what happened inside the mall, there was no real tension, just jobs that needed to be done. Maybe the biggest mistake for them was to abandon the mall, even though they could have filled its generator tanks easily with the crude oil and had electricity to do whatever they wanted.

The producers didn't give a clear reason for why they had to abandon Daniel's warehouse, or the Denim Factory or the Mall, or the Jewish Temple, or even the tank stations. It's not like the Pioneers were forcing them to be nomads. It's more likely that the nomadic activity was forced upon fear gang by Morgan's mental defect. He wanted to go out and help people, and for some reason they are on the run, because they cannot live with each other.

Why is that they haven't shown the Pioneers to rival Governor's activities?

I don't blame Dwight for walking away.

Where is he going?
I may have picked it up wrong but before Morgan radioed Virginia, Dwight turned away, Morgan asked him where he was going, he responded he'd walked a lot further. Something a long those lines. I'll have to rewatch.

You really can't blame Dwight, he's served under Negan he knows what damage Virginia can do, how you loss yourself and become worse than the dead.
Although Morgan didn't serve under Negan he also knows the costs of asking her for help, he should have been with Dwight on this one.

I understand the others not seeing this, they haven't yet came across a Negan or a governor, they can't see how it can be a fate worse than death.
So we cannot expect that they will solve the situation by using diplomacy and common sense?

I'll have to rewatch.

When you watch pay attention to Lennie James facial expression, because the way I read it, he cannot personally get the forced dialogue, but as an actor he's acting as professional and repeating the line as they were written. The producers claimed that it will all make sense when the final drops. I cannot trust them, because things are illogical.

I know that in the trilogy finisher there are some illogical steps, which I have to rewrite or expand, and that the finisher is as important as the start. This whole season has been a bigger experiment than the last one. And we know that in the Fear, they have free hands to do whatever they want, because it's not strictly tied to Kirkman's plotline.

It's just AMC has informed us they are developing this third series and they are going to show different parts of the globe. Thing is, how can the audience trust they can handle the job, when this season experiment has winded up the viewers?

Two cool things that happened this season are the lost rabbi, and Daniel and the cat. The radioactive zombies, and what they really do is still a bit mystery. Why is the irradiated blood so bad?
Dwight just found out that Sherry is definitely still alive, after thinking she was probably dead. My guess would be that he is off to find her again. That was the only thing that was driving him when he first joined them. However, I'd agree that the phone call to Virginia and her similarities to Neegan's gang and henchmen would have made his decision easy.

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