First reviews are in - Abendau's Legacy

Jo Zebedee

Aliens vs Belfast.
Oct 5, 2011
blah - flags. So many flags.
i've had a couple of really lovely first reviews of Abendau's Legacy (and one for Sunset, for good measure!) and thought I'd pop them here together.

Jagwal Book Reviews
Pete Long's Blog: Abendau's Legacy by Jo Zebedee

What has worked - the multi generational stories. It seems my young voices have stood up well.

The ending has satisfied and the shared POV seems to be working well (and since @Teresa Edgerton made me work hard at Lichio's story that's lovely to see). This book should be about more than just Kare and delighted to see it worked!

Am I tempting you all yet?

Goes back to nibbling nails anxiously.
I as well have pre-ordered for kindle of course. I am really looking forward to it Jo. I'm sure I'll be reading it over the course of a day or two.
I read an ATC on holiday a couple of weeks back. It's very good -- the last quarter especially is madly gripping. I don't think I've been so glued to a book since Goblet of Fire. (Not that Abendau is much ike Harry Potter, of course, but GOF is my benchmark for making me stay reading when I should be going to sleep.)
I read an ATC on holiday a couple of weeks back. It's very good -- the last quarter especially is madly gripping. I don't think I've been so glued to a book since Goblet of Fire. (Not that Abendau is much ike Harry Potter, of course, but GOF is my benchmark for making me stay reading when I should be going to sleep.)

Hooray to lack of sleep! and thank you so much. :)

I think, for those who have read Abendau's Heir and are expecting the other two to be just as dark, they're really not. Dark corners, yes, but nothing as full on as in book one. I'm really proud of them, actually - and I came out of my first trilogy reasonably unscathed, review/reputation-wise. Huzzah!

Speaking of reviews etc - just a reminder that on Friday night, I'm drawing for a signed hardback of the collection. These will be very, very limited editions and are a really nice prize BUT do require that I get to 10 reviews of the new book from people who have reviewed the whole trilogy. I know there are a couple of people here already taking part, but I just wanted to flag it up as I'd hate someone to lose the chance to enter and win. :)
Just a couple more reviews recently in, including Dan's above (who I finally got a five out of!):

'This is a trilogy I know I will revisit in years to come, and get more out of, with each read. Very highly recommended.' Jeff's review of Abendau's Legacy (The Inheritance Trilogy ...

'It's a fine end to a fabulous achievement, and I look forward to seeing what Zebedee comes up with next.' Dan Jones' review of Abendau's Legacy (The Inheritance Trilogy ...

'Jo's trilogy contains elements of world building that comes close to those of Dune though not nearly as dense in narrative yet just as compelling and complex. The characters are a wide array of believable and sometimes relatable people whose lives you care for as you hang onto each struggle; heartbreak; betrayal and each victory; accomplishment; kinship.

Great elements of a blend of Science Fiction and Fantasy with interesting believable characters make this set one of my favorites. And though the darkness that sometimes annoyed me in the first novel seems to have almost vanished, it all makes perfect sense toward the growth and development of the characters and this final book rounds out the trilogy with an exclamation point.' J.L. D.'s review of Abendau's Legacy (The Inheritance Trilogy ...

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