Writing stuff with SPACE?

Recommended by the website in last post
It's $34, not just your usual SW like Celestia (which is free and good)
Three-Dimensional Maps
The surface of Terra is close enough to being flat that one can get away with using a two-dimensional map printed on a flat piece of paper.
The planets of the solar system can still be managed on a flat map, though not as easily. The planets are all pretty close to the plane of the ecliptic, except for that pesky Pluto. But comets do not map well at all.
On a broad scale, you can sort of manage to map the entire galaxy as a whole. It is about 100,000 light years in diameter, but only about 1,000 light years thick. A 100:1 ratio is close to a plane. Except for that pesky bulbous core. But the globular cluster do not map well at all.
Unfortunately, interstellar map of individual stars pretty much demand three-dimensional maps. As do maps of clusters of galaxies.
This wouldn't be a problem except for the tragic lack of 3-D holographic projectors on the consumer market. Paper maps and flat images on computer screens are so much more available. The most afordable solution I've found to date is the Windows software AstroSynthesis. It allows one to dynamically rotate the map with your computer mouse, zoom in, and make short video clips. If you do purchase it, be sure to download the free HIP and Kepner star catalogs of nearby stars.
Creating an Alien language?
You could crib from bits of the synthetic languages, (Esperanto is an older one and has "flaws")
Or see if this is any use

Edit, mentioned here:
Interesting combining one of the synthetic languages with a Tolkien alphabet:
tengwar system inherently contains some main Lojban

The Skyrim Dragon alphabet is a little like ancient cuniform. Interesting.
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Another language link from projectrho
Omniglot: the Online Encyclopedia of Writing Systems and Language. The motherlode. Zillions of invented writing systems for all your language researching needs.

... designing your own alphabet
I'm designing a triple alphabet for my aliens, part 1 is gestures, unambiguous to a touch screen, part 2 is the displayed version and part 3 is the archaic handwritten version as hardly any of them have done handwriting for 5,000 years. They have 10,000 year old alphabet too, that is encountered once. (c.f. modern written cursive Hebrew, modern printed hebrew and 3,500 year old Hebrew, related to Hittite, which is descended from earlier cuneiform.) Modern English alphabet CAPITALS are from Latin/Roman, which is derived from Greek, derived from Phoenetian (similar to Hebrew / Hittite). Our small letters popularised by Charlemange (Charles the Great) from Irish/Celtic monks' minuscule letters.
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