Help! Ideas for SFF meetup...


95% tea
Jun 28, 2012
Connecticut, USA
Hi all, little help here?

So I pitched the idea of a quarterly SFF meetup night to my local library and the head librarian, herself a huge SF fan, loved it. Our first is going to be at the end of November. Since it's the first of what we hope will be a regular event, we thought we'd do a 'bring your favorite object/book/movie/graphic novel/whatever' thing as an ice-breaker.

I also suggested we do a name tag game, where attendees have to write both their real name and SFF name on their tag (like mine might read, for instance, 'Juliana, Mother of Dragons').

She asked me to think of any other activities we can plan in case we need them; any ideas?

We're going to have some of the library's most recent genre books and graphic novels on display, and I'm going to ask a local game store if they'd like to send someone in, too. The idea is a fun 'hangout' sort of evening. :)
That's a cool idea, and a great way to get some like-minded people together. I like it. Maybe a treasure hunt type thing with clues to books, the next clue hidden inside the previous clue's book.

eg. What book does Spiced Rum and Tequilla have common ground with? Dune (spice and worms at the bottom of the tequila)

Then the next clue would be inside Dune.
Not for the first evening, when you're getting to know each other, but somewhere along the line a discussion of a particular well-known book/TV show might be interesting -- and even attract new people if advertised -- or even a debate eg "Ned Stark -- fool or hero?" or someone could propose a motion eg "This house (library...) believes grimdark isn't dark enough".

In the short-term, as part of a quiz, perhaps, reading snippets from books and trying to guess which novel and author. If the library has the facilities, playing the opening bars of a TV show theme or snatches of dialogue, and seeing who can guess where it's from.
Thanks TJ! Nice ideas. And yes, I will have access to some media; she said we could use their ipads for things like movie clips and maybe also the screening room if the high school robotics club isn't using it that day. :)
You are in a library and you have the head librarian on your side. Why not ask her for a guided tour for the first meeting? The may have rare SF-books just available on demand, she could prepare them with some information for you. If it is a really small library without any special books, some of ypou guys could prepare an introducing your favourite books. I have seen a panel like that at a German convention and liked it. And I have been to two guided library tours by librarians on rare SF-books/zines, in Vienna and Toronto and both sure was worth attending!
Don't over-plan. If you leave some free time between events for folks to mingle & chat, it gives you some breathing space as well as makes it feel more "social". I don't know Connecticut (obviously...) but finding authors who could come along & give a reading/Q&A about their work would be a large draw for future events. (perhaps a question on reddit or suchlike?)
Yes, and not overdoing it had been a good advice. For such meetings, the social aspect is most important, although some program is nice and may also be a good thing to start a small talk, especially for people who did not meet before.
Do not do it more than an hour. People also want to find time to talk to each other. And they also loose concentration if it is too long.
At my SF-meeting in Vienna our program is usually just half of an hour. That is also pretty enough.
Just thought I'd report back and say that we've now had two meet-ups; they've been very nice. They've been very low-key hangouts where we all just sit in a group and discuss things people want to bring up, like the new Star Wars, or if every sci fi novel has as premise 'the Earth is doomed.' :D

The last one had around 15 people at it, just enough for a nice discussion, with the librarian who organizes it and myself taking turns as informal moderators to keep things on track and not let anyone talk a lot more than the others. We're getting a nice distribution of ages, too, from a couple of 13yo's (it's 13 and up) to a couple of older white-bearded gents. If we start getting more of a crowd we may have to move away from a simple round-table format, but for now it's working.

Thanks to all who gave me ideas and support!
There are a ton of nice UK events depending on where you are based... Have a look through some of the other posts in this section. London has the Super Relaxed Fantasy Club (and many others I'm sure), Derby has Edge-Lit, Sheffield has the SFSF Social, and etc. Lots of small and friendly conventions around, too. I'm not the best person to inform as I don't live in the UK, but there are lots of knowledgeable folk here like @chopper @Alex Davis and @Susan Boulton.

Also, maybe check with your local library and local council? They may have cool things going on. :)

Lastly, keep an eye on posts in the Lounge section; often Chrons members set up local meet-ups. (y)

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