Kitty’s Greatest Hits-Carrie Vaughn

Alternative Worlds

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2015
Kitty’s Greatest Hits
Carrie Vaughn
Tor, Aug 16 2011, $25.99
ISBN 9780765326966

This super fourteen short story collection consist of twelve that are clearly in Kitty’s sphere though the most popular werewolf talk show personality only appears in five of them. Cormac stars in two (with Ben in “Looking After Family” and in the excellent tale of his haunting “Long Time Waiting”). Additionally T.J. stars in “Wild Ride” and Emma from “Kitty Takes Washington” heats the sheets in “Life Is The Teacher”. Rick stars twice as Ricardo in Conquistador de la Noche” and with Kitty in “The Temptation of Robin Green”. Finally there is also Jake the vampire who called the night radio host complaining about how his life literally sucks in “Kitty and the Silver Bullet”; this is what happened to him after his “You’re on the Air” fifteen minutes of fame. Obviously for fans of the Kitty universe who will howl with delight even with two cleverly well written historical paranormal entries (A Princess of Spain and The Book of Daniel) that do not belong within Kitty’s Greatest Hits.
