Star Trek Cabin


New Member
Apr 2, 2015

Awhile ago, there were several episodes which had the show done in a brown cabin.

These were very interesting due to the main character (probably captain), with ability to destroy planets at will, alongwith other space items.

Could anybody provide a reference.



I think the episodes you are thinking of were on the Star Trek: Voyager series and involved beings called the Q (first introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation and also appearing in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.) The Voyager episodes featured a number of different Q beings, whereas the others only had one member of the species played by John De Lancie. They were powerful beings who could stop time, move things instantaneously and from a great distance.

I can't remember all the particular episodes in Voyager, but I do remember that at least one did feature a brown wooden cabin. Star Trek Voyager featured a number of episodes with the Q but not that many, so if you do a web search with a well known search engine for "Voyager Q episodes" you can get a list and then discount the ones that don't feature a cabin in the woods. (One was called 'Deathwish' and another was called 'The Q and the Grey'.)

If I recall correctly, there was at least one other episode in which Tom Paris ran a computer generated virtual reality program known as the Holodeck set in a pool hall in the French city of Marseilles. I may be mistaken, but I remember that also looked like it was inside a wooden hut, and the cost of location filming being what it is, it was most likely the same wooden hut. If it is the same, and if you are looking for the location of the cabin, then the information on that episode might be more useful for location filming since it played a more prominent part in the story.

I'm sorry that I can't remember any more specifically, but it is twenty years ago since I watched the series. There may be other members here with better memories (or boxed sets.)
