Create Some Scifi Starships And A Race To go with it...


Science fiction fantasy
Mar 28, 2014
So here is your chance to make up some scifi ships and THEN describe the fictional race that actually flies them. Pictures are encouraged too, for detail (something close, not necessarily approximate, we aren't all artists).

Necessary Sections:

Tech level:

Ship look:

Top speed STL/FTL:

Race Appearance/Body functions:

The Economy:



For Example: Mine.

Starships: Crescent shaped. Kinda like this, but with a second crescent through the middle section, making it have cross shape overall.

Tech Level: Star Trek ALMOST. A curious lack of transporter technology and phasers/energy beams. But they do have replicator enhanced endless ammo guns PLUS deflector shields. Also have ST cloaking devices.

Ship Top Speed STL/FTL: This is the funny part. The ship uses a SEMI-NEWTONIAN drive. Ship is weightless even on a planet. It can pivot any direction (small ships do this a lot faster than big ones which do so slowly). It accelerates at the same rate as the average modern day car does. Top speed: 300 mph. Ship doesn't have to worry about slowing down since it can cut speed to zero with no g force in the crew cabin. Ship does have to speed up gradually though. FTL: Like ST Warp Drive. THE FLAW: Zero g in the crew cabin all the time is bad for health if they fly for long periods. Also given the 300 mph speed limit for STL, getting to orbit will take hours. After doing the math, I figured out it will take about 4 hours to reach LEO (low Earth orbit), since the gravity isn't pulling ship, it's just a distance/time problem. Also, space travel will ALWAYS require use of the warp drive. 300 MPH is not getting you anywhere anytime soon. Limited fuel means warp stations to refuel throughout space.

The Race: Look virtually human, just gray skin and white haired. Unlike humans their bodies are largely self sufficient. They don't have to eat or drink, but still can for enjoyment. They still have to sleep, and they poop EVERYDAY rather they want to or not, usually in the morning is when they get the urge. The result is that most of them don't know how to cook, and those who can cook are revered like rock stars/movie stars.

Economy: You can't get fired here from your job. But trolling is the law. If you do poorly at your work, you will get trolled hard by the company. Show up late? Don't be surprised if your house is toliet papered when you get home. Do something really bad and they may just take your bed from you. Companies can do this. It's the law. You can also troll other people, so long you DON'T hurt them. Hurting their things is okay, but messing with powerful people (those who make more money than you) is VERY stupid. The net result is that Insurance agents are very common.

Personality: Mostly human EXCEPT, words don't hurt them. Unless it's a threat to actually do something that they have reason to believe will be carried out. That is why physical damage with property is so popular, calling them names won't bother them in the least. Do something to their stuff or them, and they will be annoyed. But as stated earlier, hurting others physically is outlawed. You would get in trouble for that. They do admire and appreciate honesty, even though they don't always show it.

Needless to say... they could troll humans HARD. But likely initially would just be fascinated with all the food choices.

So... what about you?

Tech Level:

Ship look:

Top speed STL/FTL:

Race Appearance/Body functions:

The Economy:

One problem with the 300MPH top speed is that it isn't going to be difficult and tedious to get to LEO; it's going to be impossible. Getting to orbital altitude is a different proposition from actually getting into orbit. As the designers of Spaceship One know rather well.
