Fantastic Four (2015)

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
First full trailer is up:

Have to admit, first thoughts are not positive. It doesn't do anything to suggest that it's up to standard of the recent Marvel Universe films. And why have they made Reed Richards a boy - wouldn't that have been a huge mistake with Iron Man?

Still, may be fun to watch - certainly the effects for Thing are good - but it doesn't yet sell itself as one for return viewing.
It might just be me, but doesn't it look exactly the same as the last Fantastic 4 films?

I know its the same base, but everything looks identical - except the CGI is a little sharper...

I'll probably watch it though ;)
One problem with rebooting a franchise such as this (if 'rebooting' is the proper term) is that we have to struggle through another origin story...another reinventing of the series of events that led to the superpowers for the beings in the story. They never seems to match with the comics in question (whether it's DC or Marvel), which is frustrating, plus we're guaranteed two hours of angst as the heroes discover the parameters of their new abilities, and then struggle to adapt to their new role in the universe (issues we've dealt with many times before in the comics, and then the earlier screen-versions of the various franchises). Then, since the turnaround on the next film is usually 3-4 years, it's forever before we see the hero/heroes again; it's years before you get to see how the creative team behind the franchise decide to amp up the storyline and the action. And even then it seems as though you never really get the villains, or classic storylines you want; so often you do not get the arch-enemy of the hero/heroes that you're dying to see brought to life (or at least CGI-life). I'm really happy the Avengers will be fighting Ultron; I'm not sure I want to see the FF fight Dr. Doom again.

Oy, sorry for the mini-rant. Of course I will go, so I am--of course--my own worst enemy when it comes to superhero movies! :)
It might just be me, but doesn't it look exactly the same as the last Fantastic 4 films?

I know its the same base, but everything looks identical - except the CGI is a little sharper...

Actually, I think it looks remarkably different, in tone, visuals, most everything. Don't see many similarities at all...
Actually, I think it looks remarkably different, in tone, visuals, most everything. Don't see many similarities at all...

Just me then :)

It all seemed a little too familiar to me. Maybe if they had left it another 10 years I might have felt different.

The superhero effects set me off I think ;)

Must be getting annoyed with all the reboots, when it doesn't seem like so long ago they did this already.
Just me then :)

I may be misremembering, as it's been years since I saw the original, but in my memory it is much more colorful and light - almost but not quite tongue in cheek, and truer to the source material. Which to me is what Marvel is currently doing with their movies. This one looks darker and grimmer (no pun intended), much more in the mold of Warner's and DC's current slate. I much prefer the latter take - if they can pull it off.
Maybe if they had left it another 10 years I might have felt different.

If they leave it another 10 years, then at this rate, Reed Richards will be 12 years old! ;)

On the plus side, the teaser trailer for this at the cinema was more inviting than the trailer linked to above.
I may be misremembering, as it's been years since I saw the original, but in my memory it is much more colorful and light - almost but not quite tongue in cheek, and truer to the source material. Which to me is what Marvel is currently doing with their movies. This one looks darker and grimmer (no pun intended), much more in the mold of Warner's and DC's current slate. I much prefer the latter take - if they can pull it off.

You're probably right. I wasn't so impressed with the 2005 version anyway, so hopefully this one will rectify some of that. :)

I agree with you in that I prefer the darker (less childish) adaptations, and if this one turns out to be on the same lines as The Dark Knight - in terms of grit, I will be very pleased. I just hope they keep a lot of the cheese out (I fear I already spotted some in the trailer).

Did you prefer 2012's The Amazing Spiderman to 2002's Spiderman?
I still haven't actually seen the newer ones! Been meaning to catch them but haven't managed so far. I wasn't a huge fan of the Raimi trilogy - the second one was the best of the three, but I'd still rate it fairly low on my list of favorite superhero films.
I wasn't thrilled by the first two films. Im not sure what to make of this latest film .

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