Cloud Atlas (film)

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
We've discussed the book before

and I mentioned about enjoying the film, in that thread.

Rewatched last night and now even more impressed with it. This is a film that works even better when you watch it again - the connections between everything become much clearer.

The film seems to take the book to a whole new level - for example, in the book, the comet birth-mark seems to connect the protagonist in each story - as if it's the same person, in a different life, for each.

But in the film, the repeated use of actors in different roles, to me, works even more cleverly to depict the same people connected in different lifetimes.

Of course, I may have completely over-looked that aspect in the book, if it was there - I tend not to be very good at picking up nuances!

But the film isn't simply stunning, it's clever on so many different levels. IMO it's one of the best films over the past few years.
Interesting film to bad it flopped at the box office .
I have this at home but i haven't got around to watching it yet.
It's a great film (haven't read the book) and it's much better second time around. Having said that, the future speak of the Tom Hanks/Halle Berry still grates on me. I can catch the gist of it but I wish they just used standard English at those parts. On first viewing I really had to strain to work out what they were saying.

I'm also not sure about using the same actors to portray different ethnicities. I thought people looked a bit absurd really. Although I'm not sure how else they could have done it. The Neo Seoul and the storyline with the ship and slavery theme had a bigger impact by having Doona Bae and Jim Sturgess separated in one story and reunited in another.

And Tom Hanks doing Scottish and Irish accents was painful.

Shoving all that to the side, I thought it was a great movie. Intelligent and thought provoking and uplifting at the same time.
Love both the film and the book. Watched / read them twice.

Both are difficult to understand. To miss-quote John Wheeler talking about quantum theory - 'If you are not completely confused by Cloud Atlas, you do not understand it.'

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