Like anyone else: HELP!!! Book Title: Alien love story & time travel


New Member
Jul 29, 2014
Absolute brain freeze and am looking for a particular book... The storyline is as follows:
Aliens and humans are peacefully co-existing on earth (spoiler, no it is not earth as we know it but we only find out at the end of the book). In order to increase cooperation, liaisons are established.

A guy, the male protagonist, is heading a department (@government or university?!) engaging in studying the culture of the aliens. Lol and behold, he is actually an alien masquerading as human.

The female protagonist gets a position in the department and of course, both fall in love.

However, the alien elite does not approve of the match and is trying to prevent it. I think they refuse to give them permission to get married because her feelings are not 'real' and she is emotionally attached to someone else. So what does our heroine do? She gets into time travel and finds out whom she is supposed to be attached to.
Did I mention she is also on a deadline? There is a body swap with her alter ego and if she is not returning in time, she will be stuck in the old time frame with no recollection of what happened.

And this is as much as I remember. It is somehow similar to Melissa Landers series except in the one I am looking for the heroes are not teenager...
