Kids and the telephone


Sep 21, 2011
North Scotland
What are some of the things children have disturbed you on the phone? I wrote a poem about one day that was a nightmare but I can't find it.
Where's my homework, can I have a snack, can I download an app, my sister hit me...

Mostly utterly trivial stuff that can wait a moment, but because I'm on the phone, has to be NOW! :D
What are my children doing at your house, Juliana? (Besides disturbing you on the phone....)
I work from home and have a lifetime behind me of standing at the door, holding it closed, whilst professionally going, 'Of course, I believe the relative merits of....'

Accidents in the street of the someone's fallen off their bike variety, the cat's caught a mouse, the dog's eating the cat's food (very common that one), 'can I have the ipad?', can I go out tomorrow, where's my *insert useless thing*, fights, foods (though now Mum+working + phone = fridge raid), etc etc.

(My house is chaos, TDZ. How I manage to produce anything in the middle of it is a mystery. :D)
Fab thanks you I needed reminding. My lot have improved recently but I have had times where I have been locked in the downstairs toilet dealing with a crisis because the boys are fighting.
