When Worlds Collide....????

Darkness Weaves

New Member
Mar 28, 2011
Hi folks,

Just joined the forum and already found it a wealth of info.....:)

However, I was wondering if someone can assist with the following query about a book which I hope I haven't just dreamt about.....:D

A goodly number of years ago (30+) I recall picking up a paperback regarding two civilisations/races living on the same planet, but who's timescales were operating in reverse...

ie. each "world" was racing towards the other, and oblivion, on the same planet, but in a different direction of time...

Does this make sense....?

As I recall, it comes to light when archeological ruins appear to be actually repairing themselves instead of falling into further decay. This also happens about the same time that both races develop time travel and begin poking about in their future, only to see the other world staring back at them....!

Any assistance greatly appreciated.

Sounds vaguely like the "SeeTee" (ContraTerrene) book(s) by Jack Williamson... I don't recall them being 2 races on one planet, but in this book one world was made of matter, the other of antimatter. And the 'other' world's timeline ran backwards...
Many thanks PaulMmn, I'll check this out, although I recall it being two different races rather than the matter/anti-matter you suggest....

Maybe I did dream it up...:-(


Sounds vaguely like the "SeeTee" (ContraTerrene) book(s) by Jack Williamson... I don't recall them being 2 races on one planet, but in this book one world was made of matter, the other of antimatter. And the 'other' world's timeline ran backwards...
