Mischievous provocateur with multiple identies


New Member
Oct 20, 2010
Trying to find the name of a book with a mysterious provocateur with multiple identities that is trying to change the establishment. Set in a future with cloning, near magical technology and a almost a "theme" society. Something makes me think Roger Zelazany wrote it, but I have not been able to identify it for sure. I think that near the end the mystery man finally boards a space ship and leaves the planet, but this part may have been in middle with a return to the planet later. I remember multiple clones or at least identities (one after the other). Any ideas? Read this in the early 80's.
If you yet this gut "Zelazny" feeling, have you considered it might be "Lord of light"? There is nothing that actually contradicts this; Sam's multiple identities, the confused timeline, the technology masquerating as magical 'attributes'…
Thanks for the suggestions, I don't think the Morpodite suggestion or the Lord of Light are correct. I have never read the Morphodite books and I have read Lord of Light. The book I am thinking is similar to Lord of Light, but does not have the Hindu theme running through it. The world I remember was much more of a utopian/dystopian future, with the protagonist railing against the status quo, even as many others (including some of his allies) seeming to be much less concerned than he was.
The Zelazny story with multiple Clones and identities is Today We Choose Faces. As each Clone is killed the next Clone in the sequence gets a voice in his head to,"Pull pin seven, You need me now, more than ever. You don't know to deal with our attacker and I do. Lange you must pull pin seven!"
Unfortunately still not it. But Zelazny has so many stories with clones that I keep thinking this it it. I don't recall aliens in this one, but I could be wrong. I think I will read This Immortal again, to be sure it is not the one.
I'm sure I've read this... Perhaps because of your Zelazny comment the first thing that came to mind was his My Name is Legion. Or van Vogt's The Man with a Thousand Names...? I read both a long, long time ago, but I've a feeling this might be one or the other.
For some reason this sounds to me like the Stainless Steel Rat books, Harry Harrison.
Read the Stainless Steel Rat stuff, at least in part. I have read all of Brin's stuff and that is too recent, read this in early 80s. I will have to pick up My Name is Legion and This Immortal to see if they are the ones...Thanks for all the assistance.
Except for the cloning, this sounds like *Enemy of the State* by F. Paul Wilson. The clones, however, remind me of *The World of Null-A* by A.E. Van Vogt.