point of views and questions


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2007
I noticed that in my book when I write in third person omniscient, the words are more mature and the paragraphs are filled with juicy metaphors and good sentences, especially when giving descriptions.

But most of the book is written in third person limited. it comes from my main characters mind, and I noticed that automatically, my brain switches to a younger version and there are not as many metaphors or similes.

I hope this is normal... being that my main character is 18 and is not walking around thinking of well-made sentences to describe his surroundings as he moves around...

Anybody else have this?
I admire you that you can do this automatically. I tend to write everything save dialogue in my omniscient narrator voice unless I am making the conscious effort to get into characters' minds. Even then I often find I'm happy with a piece only for one of my critique group to point out that it doesn't sound at all like character X...

You actually need more similes for a convincing teenager's voice. Aren't they always saying "I was like, [x], and then he was like, [y]"?
@The Judge

lol! like totally! like that is what they do! like..

anyhow, I now have to go take out a book in the library and see how other people use point of views...
But if im getting a book, I guess I should get a good one.

Im in the mood of a good fantasy or sci-fi book, as that is close to the type of book im writing. Anyone know of any?
shamguy4;1343642[I said:
]@The Judge[/I]

lol! like totally! like that is what they do! like..

anyhow, I now have to go take out a book in the library and see how other people use point of views...
But if im getting a book, I guess I should get a good one.

Im in the mood of a good fantasy or sci-fi book, as that is close to the type of book im writing. Anyone know of any?[/QUOTE]

If you have time to get to the shops today, I'd thoroughly recommend and endorse The Name of The Wind by Pat Rothfuss, but do pick it up and read a section before buying...

I am writing a fantasy/sci-fi

the name of the wind you say? very well... next time i go to the library...
I just went though....I will need some time.
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