Who said that?


EDIT: Nevermind that answer. Cercei wouldnt say 'bugger' I dont think. Lemme think about this one.
This quote is from a conversation... i.e. there are two speakers.

"I can have your head off anytime I want. Why would I need to poison you?"

"Death by poison can seem natural. Harder to claim that my head simply fell off."
Hmmz, Grand Maester Pycelle and Tyrion? or Jaime Lannister and Catelyn Stark.
Catelyn and Jaime respectively. This conversation takes place in the dungeons of Riverrun. You're turn, Kiwi.
i think its a reasonable simple one:

"The crow is the raven's poor cousin.They are both beggars in black, hated and misundertood."
i think its a reasonable simple one:

"The crow is the raven's poor cousin.They are both beggars in black, hated and misundertood."

Maester Aemon to Jon

“The crow is the raven’s poor cousin. They are both beggars in black, hated and misunderstood.”
Jon wished he understood what they were talking about, and why. What did he care about ravens and doves? If the old man had something to say to him, why couldn’t he just say it?

Guess this one

“A younger man would please me more.”
Sounds like Tyrion talking to the Small Council in ASOS.
